Gwirfoddoli/ Volunteering
Amcanion / Outcomes Edrych ar fanteision gwirfoddoli Edrych ar gyfleoedd i wirfoddoli Deall y sgiliau a’r priodweddau sydd eu hangen ar gyfer gwirfoddoli To look at the benefits of volunteering To look at volunteering opportunities To understand the skills and qualities required for volunteering
Astudiaethau Achos / Case Studies Pwy sy’n gwirfoddoli? Beth mae’r rhain wedi ei wneud? Which celebrities carry out volunteer work? What have these celebrities done? Cheryl Cole Ewan Mcgregor Princess Diana Bono Elton John
Cymdeithasau/ Organisations Rhyngwladol Cenedlaethol Lleol International National Local
Pwysigrwydd / Importance 20 miliwn yn cyfranogi ar draws Lloegr a’r DU Cyfranogi mwy na 100 miliwn o oriau yn wythnosol Gwerth – amcangyfrifion o £40 biliwn i’r economi Gwylwyr y Glannau – 3,500 gwirfoddolwyr Gwasanaeth Achub Mynydd ag ogof – 3,500 Y farnwriaeth – 30,000 Heddlu – 15, 000 20 million people across England and the UK volunteer Donating more than 100 million hours weekly Estimates of the value of volunteering to the economy is more than £40 billion Coastguard Rescue Service (3,500 volunteers) Mountain and Cave Rescue Service (3,500 volunteers in England and Wales), The judiciary (30,000 volunteer magistrates in England and Wales) Police (over 15,000 Special Constables)
Manteision / Benefits Sgiliau a Phriodweddau Profiad – CV Iechyd Seicolegol Cymunedol Cyswllt â chwmni – Swydd? Ehangu gorwelion Lles Skills and Qualities Experience – CV Health Psychological Community Company link – Job? Broaden outlook Wellbeing
Astudiaethau Achos / Case Studies
Y Sedd boeth/ Hot Seat 6 munud i baratoi, holi a chofnodi 6 minutes to prepare, question and record
Sgiliau / Skills Beth yw’r sgiliau pwysig ar gyfer gwirfoddoli? Pam rydych chi angen y sgiliau hyn? What are the important skills needed for volunteering? Why would you need those skills?
Sgiliau / Skills Cyfathrebu – bod yn gwrtais a chyfeillgar gan fod rhaid i chi siarad â phobl Gwaith tîm – bydd angen i wirfoddolwyr gefnogi ei gilydd a chefnogi staff cyflogedig Datrys problemau – efallai y bydd angen meddwl yn greadigol Arwain – gallu cymryd yr awenau os oes angen Communication – polite and friendly as you have to talk to people Teamwork – volunteers will need to support each other and support paid staff Problem Solving – May need to think outside of the box Leadership – being able to take charge if required
Priodweddau / Qualities Beth yw’r priodweddau pwysig sydd eu hangen ar gyfer gwirfoddoli? Pam y byddech chi angen y priodweddau hyn? What are the important qualities needed for volunteering? Why would you need those qualities?
Priodweddau / Qualities Gonestrwydd – efallai y bydd angen mynd i dai pobl Ymroddiad – gwneud yr hyn rydych wedi ei ddweud eich bod am ei wneud, peidio â siomi pobl a pheidio rhoi’r gorau i dasg Dibynadwy – Angen gwybod eu bod yn gallu dibynnu arnoch i wneud y dasg Empathi – gwrando ar rywun, dangos dealltwriaeth a chydymdeimlad Honesty – might enter people’s homes Commitment – doing what you say you will do, not giving up on a task and not letting people down Reliability – Need to know they can rely on you to carry out your task Empathy – listening to someone, being understanding and sympathetic
Gweithgaredd / Activity Mewn grwpiau, meddyliwch pam y byddai pobl am wirfoddoli? Sut allen nhw fynd ati i wirfoddoli? In groups, think why people might want to volunteer? How might they volunteer?
Pam? / Why? Cyfle i gael hwyl y tu allan i amgylchedd y coleg Cyfle i wneud gwahaniaeth i fywyd rhywun Cyfle i wella iechyd megis mynd i’r afael â gordewdra trwy chwaraeon Cyfleoedd addysgol – dysgu law yn llaw ag addysg ffurfiol Ennill sgiliau neu gymryd rhan mewn hyfforddiant Cael profiad gwaith a gwneud cysylltiadau o fewn proffesiwn Cyfleoedd i ennill cymwysterau o ran hyfforddi, dyfarnu, arwain a rheoli tîm Da ar gyfer eich CV – yn enwedig ar gyfer Addysg Bellach neu Uwch An opportunity to have fun outside the college environment An opportunity to make a difference in someone's life A healthy opportunity, such as tackling obesity through sport Educational opportunities – learn through doing as a complement to formal education Gaining skills or taking part in training Gaining work experience and make contacts within a profession Qualification opportunities in coaching, refereeing, leadership and team management It's good for your CV – especially for Further or Higher Education
Iechyd / Health Cyfradd marwolaethau is: Cysylltwyd gwirfoddoli â chyfradd is o farwolaethau mewn oedolion. Efallai bod gan hyn rhywbeth i’w wneud â mwy o weithgaredd corfforol, llai o straen a theimlad newydd o bwrpas. Mae’n bosib fod y rhai sy’n cadw’n brysur ac sy’n teimlo o dan lai o straen yn llai tebygol o ddioddef clefyd y galon, strôc, clefyd siwgr a chyflyrau angheuol eraill. Mwy o weithgaredd corfforol: Mae cyfleoedd gwirfoddoli sy’n cynnwys gweithgaredd corfforol fel glanhau parciau, chwarae gyda phlant neu fynd â chŵn am dro i gyd yn gwneud i chi ymarfer corff a llosgi calorïau. Mae’r cynnydd hwn mewn gweithgaredd corfforol, ynghyd ag ymarfer corff cyson yn ffordd wych o gadw’n iach a heini a pheidio â magu pwysau. Lower mortality rates: Volunteering has been linked to lower mortality rates in adults. Perhaps this has something to do with the other health claims listed here, such as increased physical activity, reduced stress, and renewed sense of purpose. Those who stay active and have low stress levels may be less likely to have heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other deadly health conditions. Increased physical activity: Volunteering assignments that include physical activity like cleaning up parks, playing with kids, and walking dogs are all opportunities to break a sweat and burn calories. This increase in activity, combined with regular exercise, is a great way to stay healthy and keep the weight off.
Seicolegol / Psychological Gwell hwyliau: Gall helpu eraill wella’n fawr y ffordd rydych yn teimlo Mae nifer o wirfoddolwyr yn aml yn nodi eu bod yn teimlo’n hapusach a mwy effro ar ôl rhoi rhywbeth yn ôl i’r gymuned. Gwella eich lles a chodi eich hwyliau Lleihau straen: Gall rhoi yn ôl i eraill wneud byd o les i lefelau straen a thyndra Er mwyn cael y budd mwyaf o ran lleihau straen chwiliwch am achos rydych yn teimlo’n gryf amdano a gwnewch rhywbeth rydych eisoes yn ei fwynhau. Improved mood: Helping others can dramatically change the way you feel. Many volunteers often report feeling happier and more alive after giving back to their community. Enhance your sense of well-being and boost your mood. Reduced stress: Giving back to others can do wonders for your stress levels. In order to get the most stress- relieving benefits, find a cause you actually care about and do something you already enjoy.
Iselder / Depression Cyfraddau is o iselder: Mae gwirfoddoli cyson wedi ei gysylltu â chyfradd is o iselder mewn oedolion. Gall agweddau corfforol a chymdeithasol gwirfoddoli arwain at deimlad personol o bwrpas ac o gyflawni rhywbeth, llai o straen a gostwng y risg o glefydau. Lower rates of depression: Regular volunteering has been linked to lower rates of depression in adults. The physical and social aspects of volunteering can lead to personal sense of purpose and accomplishment, reduced stress, and reduced disease risk.
Cymuned / Community Teimlad newydd o bwrpas: Dim ots pa mor fawr neu fach yw’r achos, mae gweithredu’n elusennol yn helpu i wneud y byd yn well. Mae gwirfoddoli hefyd yn rhoi cyfle i chi roi cynnig ar sgiliau na fyddech yn cael eu profi yn y coleg. Mwy o weithgarwch cymdeithasol: Mae gwirfoddoli yn gyfle unigryw i gysylltu ag eraill a chryfhau eich cymuned. Yn eich helpu i wneud ffrindiau newydd a chryfhau cyfeillgarwch. Gall cael rhwydwaith gymdeithasol gref eich helpu i oresgyn teimladau o unigryw a bod yn berson hapus a phositif unwaith eto. Renewed sense of purpose: No matter how big or small the cause, your charitable acts are helping the world be a better place. Volunteering also gives you the opportunity to find a place for skills you may not explore at college. Increased social activity: Volunteering provides a unique way to connect with others and strengthen your community. Help you find new friends and strengthen existing ones. Having a strong social network can help you overcome feelings of loneliness and hopelessness and get back to being your positive, happy self.
Sut? / How? Darparu bwyd ar gyfer pobl sy’n llwglyd Helpu’r digartref Canfod dillad i bobl sydd eu hangen Gwarchod bywyd gwyllt a’r amgylchedd naturiol Ymweld â’r henoed Helpu pobl i ddysgu darllen ac ysgrifennu Helpu i godi arian Bod yn un o’r Samariaid Mewn clwb chwaraeon Provide food for hungry people Help the homeless Find clothes for people who need them Protect wildlife and natural area Visit the elderly Help people to learn to read or write Help raise funds Become a Samaritan At a Sports club
Camu ymlaen / Moving forward Cysylltu â’r sefydliad Trafod faint o oriau a pha mor aml y gallech ymroi Gwiriad CRB? Contact the organisation Discuss how many hours and how often you could commit CRB check?
Gwefannau / Websites ml ml
Amcanion / Outcomes Edrych ar fanteision gwirfoddoli Edrych ar gyfleoedd i wirfoddoli Deall y sgiliau a’r priodweddau sydd eu hangen ar gyfer gwirfoddoli To look at the benefits of volunteering To look at volunteering opportunities To understand the skills and qualities required for volunteering