“Normalcy and Isolationism” President Warren G. Harding 1920-1923
A. 4 measures taken by the Harding administration to maintain world peace Arranged an international peace conference Proposed a 10 year halt to building warships Proposed a disarmament agreement Urged passage of the Kellogg-Briand Treaty, renouncing war as a national policy
Fordney-McCumber Tariff U adopted the Fordney-McCumber Tariff to protect businesses In (2) U from foreign competition. This tariff made it difficult for (3) B and (4) F to sell goods in the (5) U and, therefore, difficult to repay their war debts to (6) U. To get money to pay those debts, they demanded reparations from (7) G, and troops from (8)F invaded the Ruhr, an industrial region of (9) G. To avoid a new war, (10) U adopted the Dawes Plan. Under this program, investors from (11) U made loans to (12) G. It used money to repay war debts to (13) B and (14) F. Then they used the same money to repay war debts to banks in (15) U. In effect, (16) U was repaid with its own money. This arrangement caused bad feelings on both sides of the Atlantic.
1. Americans – Kellogg-Briand Pact Optimistic Happy 2. Briand and- Dawes Plan France Upset Bitter Angry 3. Americans - Immigrants Nativist Racist Isolationist negative 4. Ohio gang= (Harding’s advisors/ friends)-Public service Selfish Dishonest Disrespectful Self-serving 5. Harding – Administration Scandals embarrassed 6. Americans -Harding Respectful Accepting Understanding
Teapot Dome Scandal and Albert B. Fall Harding’s presidency is tainted by the outrageous Teapot Dome Scandal (preferential leasing of the Teapot Dome oil reserves in Wyoming and Elk Hills in California) by Secretary of the Interior, Albert Fall, to Harry Sinclair and Ed Dohoney.
Charles Evans Hughes Secretary of State under President Harding. (not corrupt) He will go on to become the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
Isolationist: People opposed to participation in foreign affairs Ohio-Gang: Some of Harding’s cabinet, the President’s poker-playing buddies from back home They were corrupt. They accepted bribes in return for official decisions to benefit their friends. Emergency Quota Act of 1921 sets up the Quota System: This set a limit on how many immigrants from each country could enter the U.S. each year. In 1924 a new quota limited immigrants from Eastern and Southern Europe. (People mostly Jewish and Catholic)