Ch 9 Study Guide Practice Problems OPEN vs. CLOSED ECONOMY FREE TRADE vs. RESTRICTED TRADE a. b. c.
Ch 9 Study Guide Practice Problems d
h. Consumers lose?
Ch 9 Study Guide Practice Problems h. Producers gain?
Ch 9 Study Guide Practice Problems i. Gains from trade?
b., c.
h. Consumers gain?
h. Producers lose?
i. Gains from trade?
a. Free trade b. tariff
c. Before tariff CS + PS
d. after tariff CS + PS and Govt. rev. e. DWL f. Sources of DWL
g. Quota gives same results of $1 tariff h. Tariff to eliminate trade?
Study Guide pg. 4
1. CS before 2. CS after 3. gain/loss =
Study Guide pg PS before 5. PS after 6. gain/loss
Study Guide pg TS before 8. TS after 9. Gain/loss 10. New S curve 11. Imports before 12. Imports after 13. E = ? 14. overprod. 15. Under cons License holder surplus
Free Trade: How many are sold domesitcally? Restricted Trade: How many are sold domestically? Why are tariffs more efficient than quotas?