Elizabeth Galik, PhD, CRNP Associate Professor University of Maryland School of Nursing
This presentation will include discussion of off-label uses of medications.
1. Discuss a framework for accurate assessment of older adults with dementia and behavioral symptoms 2. Apply evidence based practice principles to the non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic management of older adults with dementia and behavioral symptoms.
85-90% of individuals with dementia at some point during the course of their illness exhibit challenging behavioral symptoms such as: ◦ Physical aggression ◦ Resistance to care ◦ Agitation
CLIENTS/RESIDENTSCAREGIVERS Negatively impacts quality of life Increases risk of injury Leads to inappropriate use of psychotropic medications Exacerbates functional decline Increases time spent in care Increases risk of injury Decreases job satisfaction and leads to staff turnover
We interpret behavior differently/different stakeholders We give behavior meaning Behavior is rarely random or unprovoked
Client/Resident Family Staff Peers Facility Regulatory Agencies
Psychiatric Cognitive Status Physical/Medical Environment Disorders Caregiver Approach
“I don’t understand you.” “I’m depressed.” “I’m in pain”. “You’re rushing me”. “It’s too noisy”.
Amnesia (memory loss) Aphasia (language impairment…receptive and/or expressive Apraxia (impairment of learned motor skills) Agnosia (perceptual impairment)
Adjust expectations to abilities Simplify communication Cue and role model Minimize objects that may be misperceived Optimize sensory input You almost always get a “do over”
Temperature Noise Over and under stimulation Too much or too little space Familiarity, routine
Adapt environmental stimuli (noise, temperature, lighting, peers, staff, etc.) Consistent routines and caregivers Provide opportunities for activity to prevent boredom Redirection, distraction
Individuals with dementia exhibit behavioral symptoms most commonly during care activities, such as: ◦ Bathing ◦ Oral care ◦ Dressing ◦ Transfers and mobility ◦ Toileting ◦ Mealtime
Older adults with dementia and/or delirium ◦ Have difficulty understanding verbal directions ◦ Misinterpret touch that occurs during care activities ◦ Care becomes a perceived threat and results in fear, fight, flight response
Listening and empathy (acknowledge the fear, worry, anger, etc.) Validate and reassure Then redirect, distract
Use cueing, gesturing, pantomime He washes one area and you another Hand over hand Minimize verbal speech Use deeper voice if patient is hard of hearing Remain calm Limit the number of caregivers Wait for the “best time” for the patient
Pain Constipation Infection Medication
Give vigilant medical care Recognize and treat delirium early Consider the impact of pain…
Depression Psychotic symptoms
Describe the behavior Decode the influence of: ◦ Cognitive status, environment, caregiver approach, physical/medical, and psychiatric symptoms Design a plan Determine if it works (Rabins, Lyketsos, & Steele, 2006)
Frequency Duration Setting Who is involved? Be specific…..agitation is not enough
Cognitive Status Environment Caregiver Approach Physical/Medical Psychiatric Symptoms
Nursing Home Toolkit ◦ Advancing Excellence ◦ ?controls=dementiaCare ?controls=dementiaCare Function Focused Care ◦
Community dwelling (1.7%-5.1%) Nursing home residents (16%-40%) ◦ Conventional (1.75%) atypical (31.63%) ◦ CMS National 23.9% to 18.0% (2012- Quarter 2 of 2015) ◦ CMS Maryland 26.9% to 18.33% (2012-Quarter 2 of 2015) Beck et al., 2005; Briesacher et al., 2005; Gruber-Baldini et al., 2007; Kamble et al., 2009) Acute care ◦ 34% (Elie et al 2009) ◦ 10% on ACE units (Flaherty & Little, 2011) (
Bipolar disorder Schizophrenia Adjunct to antidepressants for major depressive disorder (aripiprazole)
Psychotic symptoms associated with dementia ◦ Delusions in AD patients 9-63% (median 36%) ◦ Hallucinations in AD patients 4-41% (median 18%) (Jeste & Finkle, 2000) Agitated behavioral symptoms associated with dementia (occurs in 40-70% of hospitalized patients with dementia) (Fick & Mion, 2008) Delirium (Hakim, Othman & Naoum, 2012)
Some efficacy among those with psychotic symptoms and significant physical aggression in short term use only (Maglion, et al., 2011) though risks may outweigh benefits (Schneider et al., 2005; 2006) Little evidence of efficacy with agitation, verbal outbursts, resistance to care
May have increased risk of relapse for those with severe neuropsychiatric symptoms (2x compared to placebo) ◦ Devanand et al 2012 NEJM Cochrane review: most can be tapered off successfully (7out of 9 studies) ◦ Declercq et al 2013
Falls and Fracture Sedation, Delirium Extrapyramidal symptoms (Parkinsonism, Dyskinesias) Anticholinergic side effects (orthostasis, constipation, blurry vision, etc) Hyperglycemia
Pneumonia Cardiovascular risks ◦ QT prolongation, ventricular tachycardia (especially when given IV) Death (Bronskill et al., 2004; FDA, 2005; Galik & Resnick, 2012; Gray et al., 2002; Gurwitz et al., 2005; Lanctot et al., 2000; Muzk et al., 2012; Schneider et al., 2005; 2006; Takkouche et al., 2007)
Analysis of 17 placebo controlled trials Modal duration 10 weeks Risk of death in the drug treated patients between times that seen in placebo Rate of death 4.5% in drug treated patients compared to 2.6% in the placebo group Cardiovascular events or infection (pneumonia) Schneider et al., (2005) JAMA
Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention and Effectiveness-Alzheimer’s Disease (CATIE-AD) ◦ No significant differences found among the atypical antipsychotics (risperidone, olanzapine, quetiapine) ◦ 26-32% in Rx group improved compared to 21% in control ◦ Adverse events may offset advantages in the efficacy of antipsychotic use for treatment of agitation, aggression (15-24% d/c med in Rx group, 5% in control) (Schneider et al., 2005; 2006)
National Initiative to Improve Behavioral Health and Reduce Antipsychotic Use among Nursing Home Residents with Dementia ◦ Quality indicator, Ftag 329 will result in penalties ◦ Documentation to support use, non-pharm interventions, risk benefit discussion, monitoring for side effects, gradual dose reduction
1. Thoroughly assess behaviors 2. Attempt alternatives (non-pharm,pharm) 3. Clearly identify target symptom 4. Discussion and documentation of risks and benefits 5. Low dose, short term use 6. Monitor for adverse events
Pain medications Cholinesterase inhibitors Antidepressants Mood stabilizers/anticonvulsants Benzodiazepines
Efficacy is fair with good pain screening (challenges with patients who are not verbally reliable) Renal and hepatic effects Delirium Falls, fractures Tolerance for opioids
Some mild improvement in behavior on these medications, (Reisberg et al, 2003) but takes awhile….they will be long gone from the hospital by then GI side effects, syncope, vivid dreams
Evidence mostly based on small trials only (Lyketsos et al., 2003; Pollock et al., 2007) Recently some overprescribing of antidepressants Side effect profile is typically more tolerable than antipsychotics, but associated with falls, hyponatremia, sedation, agitation, etc. in some patients
Citalopram (CitAD study), N=186, mostly community dwelling, efficacy was not assessed at 20mg Agitation, but no depression Improved agitation in patients with AD Reduced caregiver stress Higher rates of cardiac adverse effects than placebo Porsteinsson et al., 2014
Efficacy is mixed (Sink, Holden, & Yaffe, 2005) Sedation, ataxia, blood dyscrasias, routine CBC, AST, ALT, levels for valproic acid and carbamazepine
Highly associated with falls, fractures and delirium among older adults with dementia Try to avoid
All of the previous mentioned classes are not risk free and are not FDA approved uses…so these medications are off label too. Best to match symptoms with medication class (ie, tearful, poor appetite, self-deprecating, and agitated, maybe an antidepressant will work best)