Chemistry Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter, the processes that matter undergoes, and the energy changes that accompany this matter.
Branches of Chemistry…
Organic Study of carbon containing molecules example: Studying the molecular structure of plastics or medicine.
Inorganic Study of non-organic substances examples: Determine the best way to extract iron from iron-ore, or determine the elements present in a mineral.
Physical Study of the properties and changes of matter and their relation to energy examples: Explain why nylon can stretch based on its properties, determine the amount of energy released during a phase change, determine the rate of a chemical reaction
Analytical Concerned with the composition of materials. Work with quantities (#’s). examples: Finding minute quantities of a medication in the blood stream or nutrients in a food.
Biochemistry The study of substances and processes in living things. examples: Study metabolism, digestion, blood clotting, respiration and fermentation.
Theoretical Use mathematics and computers to understand chemical behavior and predict properties of new compounds. example: Study Quantum Mechanics
Nuclear Chemistry The chemistry of radioactive elements together with the chemistry associated with equipment which are designed to perform nuclear processes. examples: actinides, radium and radon; nuclear reactors
Organic The study of most carbon-containing compounds.pharmaceuticals, plastics Inorganic The study of non-organic substances, many of which have organic fragments bonded to metals. minerals, metals, nonmetals, and semiconductors Physical The study of the properties and changes of matter and their relation to energy. reaction rates and mechanisms Analytical The identification of the components and composition of materials. food nutrients, quality control Biochemistry The study of substances and processes occurring in living things. metabolism, fermentation Nuclear The chemistry of radioactive elements together with the chemistry associated with equipment which are designed to perform nuclear processes. actinides, radium and radon; nuclear reactors Theoretical The use of mathematics and computers to understand chemical behavior and to design and predict the properties of new compounds. quantum mechanics Branches of Chemistry - KEY
Applications in Chemistry…
Applied Chemistry Knowledge of chemistry is applied for a practical purpose to either benefit or harm people/ environment or to solve a problem. (more specific)
Pure Chemistry Accumulating knowledge of chemistry for it’s own sake, to add to the pool of information already known. To determine how or why a reaction takes place and/or determining the properties of a substance. (more vague)
Energy Chemists work to conserve energy, produce more energy, and recycle energy. Examples: Energy efficient fuels, effective insulation materials, efficient outdoor lighting systems, inexhaustible energy supplies such as solar and wind power to replace decreasing supply of fossil fuels, development of energy efficient batteries, research in nuclear fission and fusion.
Materials Chemists develop new products to improve our quality of life. Examples: Iron extraction from iron ore, development of metal alloys, development of plastic polymers; rubber, paints, sealants, lubricants and upholstery in cars
Medicine Chemists must understand the molecular structure of biological molecules to create and refine pharmaceuticals. Examples: Vitamins, penicillin, aspirin, medicines to reduce high blood pressure, chemotherapies, etc.
Biotechnology Chemists work to provide new materials for medical applications. Examples: surgical tubes to replace arteries, synthetic hipbones for hip replacements, advances in the human genome project and cloning
Agriculture Chemists play an important role in efforts to increase the world’s food supply and protect crops. Examples: hardier and more productive plants, pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides, recombinant DNA research to produce pest-resistant plants.
Environment Chemists work with environmentalist to identify pollutants, minimize environmental pollution, and clean up toxic waste. Examples: Battle against smog, nitrogen-oxides produces by automobile exhaust, pollution by the burning of fossil fuels, sulfur compounds emitted by power plants and factories causing acid rain.