Welcome to Roberts
First of all… We are SO glad you are here!
Agenda The Big Picture The Nuts and Bolts Questions and Answers Tour
We focus on the WHOLE CHILD We are a creative, safe, and dynamic community of learners that nurtures and educates the whole child. Our high-caliber staff, in partnership with our supportive parents, provides students with challenging and innovative learning opportunities through exploring the arts, educating for character, and fostering vigorous thinking — all essential for success in our changing world.
repared espectful utstanding Effort nited Community etermined to We are Research shows that adolescent students (ages 12-14) who attend K-8 schools perform at higher levels than their traditional middle school peers, with both their academic and social/emotional needs better met.
We appreciate the recognition Top Performing School rating in DPS since 2009 High Growth School since 2009 Top Rating and “Top 10 School” of Colorado School Grades.com; Top 5% of middle schools in Colorado Middle School students rank in top 1% statewide for academic growth; PARCC scores were in the top 5% of the District Only Stapleton school awarded Governor’s Award for Distinguished Improvement A 5280 Top Public Elementary School in 2014 – one of only seven DPS schools selected for academic performance across seven counties and more than 500 schools And the list goes on…
You are joining during our 10 Year Anniversary This will be an exciting year! You are invited to join us for our opening celebration on the first day of school at 2:30 p.m. Also, please bring a can of food to your class lemonade or Orientation as we will be building the world’s largest “can” cake to benefit the Ronald McDonald House on August 22nd
The Nuts and Bolts: Administrative Items School Schedule DPS Calendar School Calendar Bell Schedule Early Release Fridays at 1 p.m. School Supplies – Edukit Dress Code Class Rosters and Class Lemonades – Rosters about one week prior; Lemonades week of 8/15 Communication Registration – “Like” our Facebook Page: William “Bill” Roberts SchoolFacebook – Sign up for Thursday NotesThursday Notes Parking and Safety Breakfast and Lunch
Intent to Enroll Parent Portal and Online Registration Instructions – Parent Portal is required for online registration Parent Portal Immunization Record – Please submit if changes or not already provided The Nuts and Bolts: Administrative Items
Roberts Parent Teacher Association We are a volunteer organization that strives to facilitate opportunities for parents to be engaged in their children’s school. Meets Sept - April, 2nd Wednesday of the month from 6:30pm - 7:30pm, childcare provided We are comprised of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasure (2 year terms) and currently have 34 members PTA's function is to provide school support monetarily (thru fundraisers) and altruistically (library, drama, food bank, etc) PTA will ask our parents to give monetarily in these ways throughout the year including Direct Giving Parties Auction Carnival Fun Run 3rd Party Fundraisers The PTA grants money to fill the gap between what is allocated by DPS and the additional resources needed to enhance our children school experiences; Para's (our teacher assistants) Teacher Salaries Technology Sports Equipment Other educational needs around the school
Volunteer – You Make a Difference! Your child benefits Meet nice people Get to know teachers, staff and other parents We match jobs to interests and skills There’s a lot to be done We’re about parent involvement The work is rewarding We pledge to honor your time constraints Some volunteer work can be done from home We have fun! To view our Help Wanted page for chair and committee positions, visit For questions, Sarah at or Laura at
Upcoming Events School Carnival – May 12 th 5:30-7:30 p.m. – More details will be available at billroberts.dpsk12.org in the next few weeks
MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8:15-8:27Morning Meeting AdvisoryMorning Meeting AdvisoryMorning Meeting 8:30-9:30Specials (1)Specials (2)Specials (1)Specials (2)Spanish Language and Culture* 9:33-10:59Core 1 11:02-12:27Core 2 12:30-1:15Lunch 1:15-2:12Core 3 2:15-3:15Core 4 3:17-4:00Acad Prep A Day in Our Life – 6 th Grade *New in 2016/17 *There are opportunities for additional core work to prep students for Geometry & Spanish II
Our Specials Students choose two per trimester ArtMulti-Media Design Creative Thinking – GT*Physical Education DanceSTEAM Drama & Advanced Drama*Teacher’s Aide *GT – Gifted and Talented *Advanced Drama is a year-long Special
Athletics, Clubs & Enrichments ◆ Art ◆ Bobcat News Team ◆ Chess ◆ Cooking ◆ Guitar ◆ Hip Hop ◆ Karate ◆ Rhythm & Percussion ◆ RMPBS Super School News ◆ Robotics/Engineering ◆ Semantics ◆ Service Learning ◆ Student Council ◆ Yoga ◆ Cross Country ◆ Girls Softball ◆ Soccer ◆ Girls Volleyball ◆ Flag Football ◆ Basketball (7/8) ◆ Boys Baseball ◆ Girls Soccer ◆ Boys Lacrosse**Pending ◆ Boys Floor Hockey ◆ Girls Tennis **Pending
We believe in recognizing & celebrating Golden Tickets Monthly Ice Cream Parties Food Truck Wednesday Student of the Week Weekly Shout-Outs Dances
Preparing Students to Succeed Differentiation including GT & Intervention – Every student is an individual AND every student is part of a group Our homework model follows similar models at local high schools – Expectation of about 1 hour of homework per night Google Chromebooks used by all students
We are about EVERY student participating… We believe every student deserves the chance to try something new. ALL students… – Participate in our one day MS Orientation – Who wish to play, make the Athletics teams – Can participate in clubs and activities including Student Council Financial assistance is always available if needed – Go on our overnight trips Annual trips per grade to Estes Park YMCA (6), White Mountain Ranch (7)and San Diego Sea Camp (8) Fundraising is managed by a committee and we work together to make it happen for every student.
As currently the only E-8 School in the Boundary, We provide our students a unique opportunity to be leaders in our community through these MS programs: – Teachers Aides – School-wide Buddies – Service Learning – Bobcat News – Student Council – Student-led morning meetings
Q&A and Tour