Playground Committee Coalhurst Elementary School
Wooden playground does not meet standards Most used playground equipment in the town Need a large structure to replace it GOA wanted it removed by Spring 2013 Small group of parents working on fundraising Background
CES is the hub of our community It is geographically central Opportunity to build a sense of community and cohesion to benefit all residents Playground provides year-round activity, not just for school kids or during school hours Community activities are held at school – Canada Day Attracts new families to Coalhurst Latest census showed an increase in young families A Community Playground
Findings of the Early Childhood Mapping Project (ECMP) 35% of Coalhurst children experience difficulty in health and well-being development, which includes fine and gross motor skills. 42% of children enrolled in CES are identified and coded as a student with a special need, such as having a mobility/physical, visual, and/or behavioral development issue. Early Childhood Mapping
ECMP raised awareness Community requires physical features such as parks and playgrounds to influence development. Enhancing Coalhurst parks and green space, creating meeting places for young families, creating access to enriched outdoor environments for babies and preschoolers that are safe for them to explore their surroundings, and establishing an active, inclusive community by building a new playground and park area. Early Childhood Mapping
We have special needs children in our community. CES is know for being an inclusive school and families choose to bring their kids to CES for that reason. Currently, Coalhurst does not have an accessible playground Ramps, accessible surfacing, special equipment Accessible Playground
Accessible Surfacing- Wood Carpet
Accessible Playground Design Developmentally appropriate activities include imaginary play activities, which promote cognitive and social development, and physical activities that build balance, strength, and fine/gross-motor skills. Multi-sensory playgrounds give younger children a taste of perceived risk with safe, fun activities designed just for them.
Accessible Playground Design Example of ramp into playground and activity panels at appropriate height for children in wheelchairs The Cozy Cocoon is especially designed for those with autism spectrum disorders. It’s an enclosed space for a child to escape the playground when overstimulated.
Aiming for spring 2016 Located in back of school Palliser has plans to build a bus loop and parking lot Investigating different providers including Blue Imp, Henderson play, Attaplay, Playworks, and The Playground Guys. The Build
Anticipated design costs – full build ($250,000) $125,000 for 5-12 playground structure $50,000 for 0-5 playground structure $75,000 for wood carpet Current funds raised Fundraising/donations received are approximately $90,00 Applied to CFEP (Community Facility Enhancement Program) grant for $114,000. Should find out Feb/March. Future fundraising initiatives Local businesses donation drive which we would like to generate $15,000 in donations. If not received, we will continue localized CES fundraising to generate this amount. Community Foundation of Southern Alberta grant, which we will be asking for $15,000 this Spring. With grants and future fundraising initiatives, we anticipate still being short $16,000 to fund the full build. Funding Update
Anticipated design costs – minimized build if CFEP grant is not successful ($136,000) $125,000 for 5-12 playground structure $11,000 for 10” of gravel instead of wood carpet Eliminate 0-5 playground structure Future fundraising initiatives Local businesses donation drive- still aim for $15,000 in donations. Community Foundation of Southern Alberta grant- still aim for $15,000 grant. With grants and future fundraising initiatives, we anticipate still being short $16,000 to fund the minimized build. Funding Update
Sponsorship recognition will include: Sign on site social media and website recognition inclusion in events i.e. grand opening recognition in media interviews We adhere to the Society Act and have audited financial statements. Funding Update
Major donations Richardson Oilseed $25,000 County of Lethbridge $15,000 Coalhurst Legion - $4000 Major Donors
Drainage Help with build (equipment, labour) Financial support in the amount of $16,000 These funds would directly support making our playground more accessible. Ramps Buckle swings Wheelchair accessible surfacing – ie. wood carpet, if CFEP is successful Request to Town of Coalhurst
Community meeting to get feedback on the design Looking for time at Community Centre - anticipated in late January or early February Next Steps
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