By this point, you have Read the book Come up with an idea about the book that makes sense and can be proven with evidence from the book Turn that idea into an awesome, insightful thesis statement (In [title of the book], by [author of the book], [essential answer])
Now, Prove it! Imagine that you give your idea about the book and your mean teacher challenges you on it. How can you prove that you are right?
Quotes from the text = evidence Essential question: What is a symbol from your book? Thesis: In The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins, fire is a symbol of danger and bravery. Katniss and Peeta are dressed in fire as tributes “We seem to be leaving a trail of fire off the flowing capes” (70). Katniss faces fire in the arena “The world has transformed to flame and smoke” (172). Katniss is called “The Girl on Fire” “’Katniss, the girl who was on fire’”(67).
Remember… You can write what you feel is right, but the author gets the final word. If your argument can’t be supported with the text- it doesn’t work! Use the BEST quotes you can to support. The stronger the legs, the better the table. No one likes to sit at a wobbly table. Always, always, always cite the page number!