What “we” need A growing concern Acid vs. Base Dealing with crap Good bugs Bad bugs Hodge Podge
These are the organic nutrients.
What are carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and vitamins?
This mineral is necessary blood clotting, and forming teeth and bones.
What is calcium?
These organisms concentrate the nutrients in the soil for us.
What are plants?
The swelling of the thyroid gland is caused by a deficiency in this mineral.
What is iodine?
The contents of a bag of fertilizer are represented by these three numbers.
What are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium?
This man won a Noble prize for inventing dichlorodiphenyl- trichloroethane.
Who is Paul Herman Muller?
The term biomagnification describes which process.
What is the process in which chemicals accumulate in the tissues of organisms and are concentrated as it moves up the food chain?
This woman changed the way people in the western world think about pesticides.
Who is Rachel Carson?
This is the term used to identify the feeding level of an organism in a food chain.
What is trophic level?
Even though it is a destructive chemical, it prevents malaria.
What is an advantage for DDT?
This pH indicator turns blue when in the presence of a base.
What is litmus paper?
This is the scale used to compare the relative strength of acids and bases.
What is the pH scale?
This process is used to neutralized acidified lakes.
What is liming?
These are the products of an acid-base neutralization.
What are salt and water?
A COBRA type scubber is more beneficial than a traditional wet scubber because of this.
What is the copper oxide beads can be reused?
This number represents the amount of chemical that is lethal to 50% of a population.
What is LD 50?
This identifies chemicals that are lethal with one exposure.
What is acute toxicity?
The concentration of mercury in the water supply is 0.23 mg/kg.
What is 0.23 ppm?
This chemical used in aerosol cans was responsible for the holes in the ozone layer.
What are cholorfluorocarbons (CFCs)?
This level of sewage treatment removes the large sediments and solids.
What is primary sewage treatment?
These pollutants are easily broken down in the environment.
What are non-persistant pollutants?
This could explain algae blooms.
What is high levels of nitrogen and/or phosphorus ?
Pollutants can enter the ground water through this process.
What is seepage?
These organisms can be used to determine the health of an ecosystem.
What are biological indicators?
This explains why oxygen levels decrease when algae dies.
What is the decomposers use up the available oxygen?
This substance is used in chemical reactions to speed things up.
What is a catalyst?
This level of sewage treatment involves the removal of organic compounds.
What is secondary sewage treatment?
Of the 4R’s, this one is the best.
What is reduce?
Construction sites and fertilized fields are examples of this.
What is a non-point source of pollution?
This method uses living organisms to fix environmental problems like contaminated soil.
What is bioremediation?