If Everything Were Inverted Meagan Thiedemann Physics 11A Mr. Jennings December 9, 2005
Driving Reading Writing Eating Weight Lifting Martial Arts Clocks Ways My Daily Life Would Be Different
Driving Driving would be much different if everything were inverted. We would see the roads differently, and cars may even be built differently. I think that if it were a standard car, the stick would move in a different direction. I think that the gears that are on top would be on the bottom, and vice-versa. Maybe the drivers seat would actually be where the passenger seat is as well.
Reading Reading would look much like it did on the title page Everything would be read from bottom to top, and right to left Reading languages that are written in downward columns, such as Japanese, would be much more difficult
Writing Writing would start at the same place as it does now on a piece of paper The difference would be how you put your paper You would place your paper upside down as well, and then write from right to left
Eating Eating would look different because your food would be on the bottom of your fork, but not falling off Your plate would seem like it is at the opposite end of the table when it’s right in front of you You might miss your mouth a lot when eating
Weight Lifting If I were to watch someone lift weights, it would look like they were pushing down on it If I were to lift weights myself, it would feel like I was pushing it up, but it would be going down
Martial Arts Martial Arts is a large part of my life. If I were to see everything inverted, it would be very different, perhaps even harder to do. Kicking would be much more difficult, and so would punching. Doing things such as rolls, or cartwheels would become difficult as well. My balance would likely be different, and it would not be as easy to do things that require standing on one foot. Doing things such as ground-fighting (very similar to wrestling) or sparring (training in a fighting match) would become much more difficult than they really are. Perhaps aiming for a specific target on the other person would take more time. Martial arts would be largely affected if our vision were inverted.
Clocks Telling time on a clock would be much different The numbers would seem out of place The numbers may even be adjusted so that they are in their normal place It would be much more difficult to do a countdown of time on a clock because you would take longer to process which way the hands must go
This would all be Normal If things were to be inverted, it would be normal. Humans would be taught from the time they are born that this is what things should look like, and it would be accepted, and we would live with it. We would learn things how they are, not how they could be.