Zach Winek
Born March 15, Father died about three weeks before he was born. Joined his local militia during the Revolutionary War. Both of his brothers died during the Revolution. His mother contracted cholera and died shortly after. Left orphaned at age 14.
Defeated the Red Stick Indians early in the war. Jackson was General of the defense at The Battle of New Orleans. The Americans were out numbered 7,500 to 5,000. Jackson only lost 71 men. The British lost 2,037 men. Jackson was victorious.
He was General in the first Seminole War. Captured Seminole villages. Went into Florida to solve the conflict. Overthrew the Spanish governor of Florida and executed two British subjects. Claimed Florida for the United States. Named governor of Florida.
Nominated for president by the Tennessee legislature in Elected senator instead. Nominated for president by a Pennsylvanian convention. Denied because of his “habitual disregard of laws.” Deemed “Unfit for office.” Resigned from the Senate in 1825.
Elected in 1828 and 1832 Gave more power to the common man. Credited with creating the Democratic Party. At Jackson’s inauguration, crowds went into the White House just to get a look at him. Won 1832 election by a landslide.
Jackson disliked the bank because: Made rich people even richer. Put all the money into one place. It was only controlled by a few people.
Jackson passed the tariff to aid industry in the North. Put a tax on goods. South did not approve; Made them pay high prices on industrial goods they didn’t produce. Argued that the Tariff was Un-Constitutional. Tax reduced in 1832.
Initially intended to be voluntary relocation. Bought some lands. Turned into forced relocation as people in the South wanted Cherokee lands. Soldiers forced the Cherokees out West. Became known as “The Trail of Tears.” “One of the unhappiest chapters in American history,”- Robert V. Remini.