Non-local Means (NLM) Filter for Trim Statics Yunsong Huang, Xin Wang, Yunsong Huang, Xin Wang, Gerard T. Schuster KAUST Kirchhoff Migration Kirchhoff+Trim Statics Migration
MotivationsMotivations NLM filterNLM filter NLM filtering of images NLM+trim statics of migration images Results (GOM data)Results (GOM data) ConclusionsConclusions Outline
Velocity inaccuraciesVelocity inaccuracies Stacking misaligned prestack migration images blurred migration images Motivation z x This should be flat. Residual Moveout (RMO) gets a best fit quadratic to flatten CIGs, then we stack to get final stacked migration image dim spots stack zzzz Common Image Gather (CIG)
Motivation CIG 16/31
Motivation CIG 1/31
Motivation CIG 5/31
MotivationsMotivations NLM filterNLM filter NLM filtering of images NLM+trim statics of migration images Results (GOM data)Results (GOM data) ConclusionsConclusions Outline
ppbppb Non-Local Mean Filter patch search neighborhood ppappa Filtering (similarity) weight normalizationsensitivity controller Buades et al., 2005 best match survives O a = W ab I b IbIb OaOa
A noisy image Endo-filtered by NLM filtering weights search neighborhood patch favors repetitive structures favors repetitive structures Non-Local Mean Example
MotivationsMotivations NLM filterNLM filter NLM filtering of images NLM+trim statics of migration images Results (GOM data)Results (GOM data) ConclusionsConclusions Outline
B1 B2 A1 NLM filter+ correlate+shift Out of phase Washed out Stacking Strategies Tree representation Poor candidate for pilot stack
1 A 1 2 B 1234 C Recursive Stacking/Destacking Stacking prestack images (no pilot needed) Destacking
MotivationsMotivations NLM filterNLM filter NLM filtering of images NLM+trim statics of migration images Results (GOM data)Results (GOM data) ConclusionsConclusions Outline
Stacked Prestack Migration Images Z (km) X (km) 15 0 (31 plane-wave gathers)
Stacked Prestack+Trim Statics Migration Images Z (km) X (km) 15 0 (31 plane-wave gathers)
Z (km) X (km) 15 0 (31 plane-wave gathers) Stacked Prestack Migration Images
Z (km) X (km) 15 0 (31 plane-wave gathers) Stacked Prestack+Trim Statics Migration Images
Too Good to be True Z (km) X (km) 15 0 (31 plane-wave gathers) Really?
Local Trim Statics Shifts * poststackprestack Scatter plot: * x z Cluster mean 33
Ideally, we want a v(x,y,z) that reduces scatter x z Local Trim Statics Shifts
x z over iterations z x 2h 1 2h 2 Relation to subsurface offset Local Trim Statics Shifts RiRi Reduced scatter implies a more accurate velocity model: = ½ ||R i -R|| 2 MVA
MotivationsMotivations NLM filterNLM filter NLM filtering of images NLM+trim statics of migration images Results (GOM data)Results (GOM data) ConclusionsConclusions Outline
Trim statics can align reflectorsTrim statics can align reflectors mispositioned across prestack images due to velocity inaccuracies Noticeable improvement in feature coherencyNoticeable improvement in feature coherency Limitation: although features are clearly revealed, their locations might still be wrongLimitation: although features are clearly revealed, their locations might still be wrong We can quantify and reduce the locational variance of the revealed features, thereby inverting the velocity Conclusions
Thanks to Sponsors of CSIM Consortium
Non-Local Mean Filter patch search neighborhood ppappa ppbppb filtering weight normalizationsenstivity controller Buades et al., 2005 best match survives
Non-Local Mean Filter patch search neighborhood ppappa ppbppb filtering weight normalizationsensitivity controller Buades et al., 2005 best match survives