What is Economics? Chapter 18 (Part 1)
Economic Choices To properly perform our civic duty, we should be INFORMED citizens Part of being informed is understanding the economic system This understanding is put into practice all the time - $10 problem Needs vs. Wants Needs – required for survival (food, clothes, shelter) Wants – things we would like to have (entertainment, vacations) Our choices are based on the $10 problem: we do not have enough resources to satisfy all our wants and needs
Economics Economics – the study of how we make decisions in a world in which resources are limited It is also the study of how things are made, bought, sold, and used Microeconomics - study of the small picture – study and behavior of the decision making of small units such as individuals and businesses Macroeconomics – study of the big picture – study of the economy as a whole and decision making of large units such as governments, whole industries, and societies Micro and Macroeconomics are examples of economic models – a theory that tries to explain human economic behavior Economic System – a country’s way of producing the things its people want and need This economic system helps determine how basic economic decisions are made America’s economic system is called Capitalism – businesses are allowed to compete for profit with a minimum amount of government interference
The Problem of Scarcity Resources – the things used in making goods and producing services The amount of goods and services a country can produce depends on its resources Examples: Natural Resources - wood, soil, water and Human Resources – people who provide labor, skills, knowledge Country’s that are able of satisfying its people’s wants and needs are considered capable When they don’t, there is considered to be a scarcity Scarcity – occurs whenever we do not have enough resources to produce all the things we would like to have This greatly affects decisions concerning what and how much to produce and how the services will be produced
What to Produce? One of the biggest questions a society has to ask itself – what to produce? The math is simple – if more of one item is produced, then less of something else is being produced How do choices look? Choose to make weapons for defense or to produce services for people who are retired? Choose between improving our roads/schools or building a new stadium for athletic events? What decisions go into making which choice?
How to Produce?/For Whom to Produce? Once a society has decided what they will produce, the must determine HOW they will produce these resources We need more oil 1.Do we drill in an Alaskan wildlife sanctuary? 2.Limit oil drilling to less fragile areas? Once goods are produced, a society must decide how those goods are distributed Most goods in the United States are distributed on a price system. Other options: majority rule, a lottery, first-come-first-serve, sharing equally, military force