Introduction The backbone of the economies of developed countries is manufacturing activities Manufacturing activities have changed as a result of improvement in technology. Developed countries are evolving strategies which will improve and sustain their manufacturing activities. Nigeria must transform her economy through manufacturing. Explanations for poor economic growth in Nigeria include poor education. Education is strategic and critical for the development of any nation. 6/11/ CAPA PRESENTATION
Introduction contd. Nigeria is enmeshed in deep security crisis as a result, the country is in a state of quiescence. The insecurity has caused near collapse of education in the northern part of the country. Generally, education in Nigeria is characterized by industrial disharmony. Causes for poor economic performance of Nigeria include emphasis placed on the production of agricultural crops, policy formulation and implementation, and misplaced priorities. 6/11/ CAPA PRESENTATION
Introduction contd. To reverse the declining trend in economic fortunes, the country must cultivate the culture of manufacturing whilst improving on agricultural practices. A pool of efficient and effective manpower is key to manufacturing. Western industrialized nations and Asian tigers are prospering through indutrialization. 6/11/ CAPA PRESENTATION
Infrastructures for realizing economic transformation through the building of effective and efficient manpower Institutional Arrangement Policy Framework and Strategies Technological Manpower TVET and Manpower Development Curricula Reform 6/11/ CAPA PRESENTATION
Institutional Framework Higher institutions are responsible for the development of manpower for Nigerian economy. Polytechnics play a crucial role in manpower development in Nigeria. Causes of ineffectiveness of Nigerian education sector: Industrial disharmony Policy discontinuity Inadequate resources 6/11/ CAPA PRESENTATION
Policy Framework and Strategies Nigerian government must put in place effective policy on manpower development. TVE, Agriculture and manufacturing must be integrated. Effective implementation of government industrial policy. TVE and appropriate technology for pride of place in development policies Strong political will to redirect the growth and development of TVE towards capacity building. 6/11/ CAPA PRESENTATION
Technological manpower Path-breaking technological advances have revolutionized social, economic, education, and administrative conditions. New types of equipment have brought about change. There is no part of modern living that is not yet touched by the computer. ICT, through computer and connectivity is transforming teaching and learning. 6/11/ CAPA PRESENTATION
Technological manpower contd. As a result of technology, the economic environment has shifted from industrial based with focus on physical assets – factory, machines, etc., to a high technology, information, innovation based environment with a focus on expertise, talents, creativity, skills, and experience. ICT must be used to develop efficient and effective workforce that fit into 21 st Century manufacturing activities. 6/11/ CAPA PRESENTATION
The Role of TVE in Manpower Development TVE must collaborate national initiatives to boost innovation and performance. TVE contributes to development of creative manpower that can participate effectively in economic activities. TVE can facilitate technological catch-up, and thus improve the potential for faster growth. TVE contributes meaningfully to the capacity building of Nigeria. 6/11/ CAPA PRESENTATION
Curriculum Reform It is the relevant curriculums, in response to the dictates of technology - ICT, for the higher institutions that will ensure Nigeria’s comfortable participation in increased competitiveness within the globalizing economy. Research on existing curricula and their suitability for serving Nigeria’s needs may shed light on new and useful directions that curricula could take. 6/11/ CAPA PRESENTATION
Strategies for Developing Efficient and Effective Workforce. The government and people of Nigeria should accord technical and vocational education priority status because it is an effective tool for the development of competent workforce. TVE institutions must ensure that they turn out productive workforce who are quality who are quality focused, innovative, and know how to use technology and team work for continuous improvement. 6/11/ CAPA PRESENTATION
Strategies for Developing Efficient and Effective Workforce contd. The TVE institutions must be provided with ICT infra- structures and support services so that both the lecturers and the students can access innovation. The government must ensure innovation of the economy – access to markets, goods, rails, airports, seaports and high-speed Internet connections that move products and services quickly and safely to a large number of consumers. 6/11/ CAPA PRESENTATION
In conclusion The economic benefits of TVE in Nigeria is very low: Low because government does not see it as a sector of strategic importance. The government has failed to accord TVE a priority status. Low because there is always lack of political will to provide and fund education adequately. Low because the educational environment is characterized by industrial disharmony. 6/11/ CAPA PRESENTATION
In conclusion Strategic human capital development policy is necessary: Necessary because it must as a matter of urgency specify the relevant knowledge and skills necessary to transform the Nigerian economy. Necessary because it forms the basis of improved agricultural and manufacturing activities. 6/11/ CAPA PRESENTATION
Thank you for your attention 6/11/ CAPA PRESENTATION