Conditional Cash Transfer Pilot Upper Egypt
Background Currently Egypt has a welfare regime that is comprehensive and generous but which has some limitations. The current system is Expensive Untargeted Fragmented Not Evidence based Lacks Bench-marks and goals
Initiatives 1000 villages Smart cards Ministry restructuring and capacity building Targeting and proxy means testing for poverty More efficient food subsidies More generous food subsidies Conditional Cash Transfers
What is a conditional cash transfer program Social policy intended to break the intergenerational transfer of poverty, enable families to invest in education and health of children Social policy implemented in dozens of countries (Latin America, Yemen, Turkey, Morocco, etc.) Provides regular cash payment to poor families in exchange for fulfilling health and education conditions: Children under certain age attend school Children receive vaccinations and preventive health checkups Cash given to female head of household
CCT Program Pilot in Egypt First comprehensive (health and education) CCT in an Arab country Rigorous design and impact evaluation Two year pilot to test if CCT is: Appropriate Effective Empowering Cost efficient tool in the Egyptian context. EXPERIMENTAL RANDOMIZED CONTROL STUDY in UPPER EGYPT (Assiut and Sohag)
Purpose and objectives Purpose Enable the MoSS to introduce conditional cash transfers at the national level on the basis of scientific evidence as to the cost, efficacy, and sustainability of the program. To also engage ministry social workers and administrators in the process of designing a program that is right for Egypt Objectives 1.Run a quasi-experimental research intervention to introduce CCT’s in poor villages in Upper Egypt 2.Design an appropriate CCT package for Egypt 3.Train MoSS on CCT’s 4.Monitor this process
Selection of beneficiaries Poorest 1000 villages ASSIUT SOHAG LOTTERY 18 treatment villages 18 control villages 16 treatment villages 16 control villages In villages randomly selected to receive CCT program (treatment), families with children who are below poverty line will be invited to benefit from the CCT program.