Documentation An effective document can serve as a communication vehicle among the project's team members, or it can serve as initial understanding of the requirements.
Effective Documentation: Common Cover All documents should share a common cover sheet that identifies the document, the current version, and the individual responsible for the content.
80%-20% 80–20 Rule 80 percent of the work can be done with 20 percent of the documentation. The trick is to make sure that the 20 percent is easily accessible and the rest (80 percent) is available to those (few) who need to know.
Familiar Vocabulary Use a vocabulary that your readers understand and are comfortable with. The main objective here is to communicate with readers and not impress them with buzz words.
Make the Document as Short as Possible Eliminate all repetition; Present summaries, reviews, organization chapters in less than three pages; Make chapter headings task oriented so that the table of contents also could serve as an index.
Organize the Document Use the rules of good organization (such as the organization's standards, college handbooks, Strunk and White's Elements of Style, or the University of Chicago Manual of Style) within each section.
Summary The main objective of the analysis is to capture a complete, unambiguous, and consistent picture of the requirements of the system. Construct several models and views of the system to describe what the system does rather than how.
Summary (Con’t) Capturing use cases is one of the first things to do in coming up with requirements. Every use case is a potential requirement.
Summary (Con’t) The key in developing effective documentation is to eliminate all repetition; present summaries, reviews, organization chapters in less than three pages. Use the 80–20 rule: 80 percent of the work can be done with 20 percent of the documentation.
Object Analysis: Classification
Introduction OOA is a process by which we can identify classes that play a role in achieving system goals and requirements Various Approaches for identifying the classes Classification: is the process of checking to see if an object belongs to a category or a class, is regarded as a basic attribute of human nature. Example: Classifying the car
What is an Object –An object Is an unique, identifiable, self- contained entity that possesses operations and contains attributes – Possesses all the know-how and information it needs to perform the services for which it was designed –Is a "black box" which receives and sends messages
What is a Class ? A Class is a software template that defines the methods and variables to be included in a particular kind of Object. Is a blue print used to create objects. As it is a blue print, at runtime it will not occupy any memory. Examples : Animal, Human being, Automobiles
Classes VS. Objects
... Intelligent classification is intellectually hard work, and it best comes about through an incremental and iterative process Booch
..There is no such thing as the perfect class structure, nor the right set of objects. As in any engineering discipline, our design choice is compromisingly shaped by many competing factors. Booch
Point To Remember Two Issues A class is a specification of structure, behavior, and the description of an object. Classification is more concerned with identifying classes than identifying the individual objects ina system.
The Challenge of Classification Intelligent classification is intellectually hard work and may seem rather arbitrary. Martin and Odell have observed in object-oriented analysis and design, that “In fact, an object can be categorized in more than one way.”
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