The Phoenix Project An Example of Excellent Partnership Working
Chris Royal Watch Manager B Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue service
Multi-Agency Collaboration The first partnership of this type nationally Tyne and Wear Metropolitan Fire & Rescue service and Sunderland Youth Offending Service Work experience programme for young people who have offended or at risk of offending
History TWMFB been involved in Youth Issues for many years. More structured approach required in the light of 1998 Crime and Disorder Act. In April 2000 TWMFB sought funding from Youth Offending Service to tackle Youth Crime and created the pioneering Phoenix Project.
Phoenix project Referral Process Young person Identified For the Phoenix Referral form fully completed Referral form passed to BSU Key worker reviews Referrals Young person allocated to the appropriate course Phone call made to Young person Phone call made to school Home Visit Made Consent form signed Arrange first day pick u if required Standards of behaviour Details put on course Register Both parties agree Young person or school indicates non attendance Notify Referral agent / Case Manager Phoenix 5 day Course Record attendance and behaviour on YOIS Contact parents for passing out on the Friday Notify Case Manager / referral agent of Young persons outcomes Make any relevant referrals Phoenix Presentation
Course Objectives Enable young people (12-17 year old) to experience being part of a team. Increase awareness of impact of offending / anti-social behaviour. Enhance employment opportunities. Develop personal and social confidence.
Course Objectives Improve the life chances of every young person who attends by using the positive role model of a fire fighter, coupled with the neutral status of the Fire Service. Re engage with their Community
Course Content Week long intensive course, 10am-3pm. year old referrals from Youth Offending Service Mainly physical activity’s focusing on team work, discipline and structure Culminating in Passing Out Parade for associated families.
Phoenix Course Programme TimeDay OneDay TwoDay ThreeDay Four AM Health & Safety Kit Issue PPE Risk assessment Exercise Search Procedures Fire Safety Hoax Calls Anti-social Behaviour Team Building Exercises First Aid ABC Responsiven ess Drill Rehearsal Tidy Up Centre Lunch Break PM Hose and Hydrant Work Debrief Tidy-up Sewers Debrief Tidy-up Free burn, Extinguisher s and Crawling Section Debrief Tidy-up Passing Out Parade Debrief Tidy-up
Course Evaluation Independent report by Newcastle University Teamwork Learning about the impact of fires Skills/self-esteem Partnership working Commitment from the Fire Brigade
Basic Statistics 44% Not offended since leaving the course 33% Offended at a much slower rate 87% Attendance on a voluntary course
Why is it so Successful ? Interesting/Basic routines Equal and Fair Respect and Trust Encouragement Discipline
Impact on Interested Bodies Youths- Personal development, mentally & socially, life skills to move forward. Youth Offending Service- Continued re-engagement of disaffected youth Brigade- Continued reduction in Malicious Ignition,Hoax calls & Anti-social behaviour
Recipe for Continued Success Multi-agency Collaboration Financial Support Organisational Commitment Personal Commitment Dissemination of Knowledge
The Future of Phoenix Pilot 2007 Utilising Ops personnel further interaction with the community to which they serve Thereby reducing the instances of anti social behaviour Whether in the form of fire- setting or attacks against fire service personnel.
I’M JUST ME Why? When I try, do you laugh. Is it the criminal,or me you see Why? When I ask, do you meet me with a stare.I can tell by your face,you don’t want me here, Why? When things go wrong,do I always get the blame.Don’t you believe I have really changed. Why? Can’t you see the person that I am. I am being real this isn’t another scam Why? When I’m hurting is nobody there.I’m only a kid,so why don’t you care Why? Is it, the only side you see, is the young offender,that’s not really me So maybe next time you meet me,you’ll open your eyes and see.I’m not such a bad un I’m just me.
Question / Discussion