External Events Accelerating EU-US Business Collaboration in Health/e- Health Research & Innovation: Opportunities, Barriers and Best Practices Friday, June 20th, 2014, 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM Atlantic Wharf, Waterfront District 290 Congress Street, Boston, MA Benefits and goals of the workshop include: Learn about funding and partnership opportunities under Horizon 2020, Contribute your expertise in focused discussions on transatlantic collaboration in the areas of research, technological development, and innovation (RTDI) with researchers, business executives, and innovators. Hear from practioners in EU-funded programs detail their success and challenges. Gain insights on key drivers for health/e-health innovation and promising areas for transatlantic cooperation. The workshop is free, however registration is mandatory. Deadline to register is Friday, June 13. Save The Date: Call for Abstracts: Open June 23 rd - September 29 th
Symposium Inflammatory Skin Disease Summit: The Translational Revolution November 19 – 21, 2014 Festive Hall of the Austrian Academy of Sciences Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2, Vienna, Austria REGISTRATION and ABSTRACT SUBMISSION is OPEN! Information:
Travel fellowships (EUR 1.000,- each) will be available for trainees and fellows who are submitting an abstract. The deadline for travel grant and abstract submission is on September 7, Authors of selected abstracts will have the chance to present their work as plenary talks. Register quickly, as only 300 participants will be able to register due to restrictions in space! To register: Abstract submission:
The Boston Biomedical Innovation Center (B-BIC) is now accepting applications for PILOT and DRIVE grants supporting research and development of innovative devices, diagnostics, and therapeutics related to heart, lung, blood, and sleep. PILOT grants provide up to $50,000 for direct costs for 1 year and DRIVE grants provide up to $200,000 for milestone achievements over 1½ to 2 years. All faculty from B-BIC member institutions are encouraged to apply, and applicants are requested to contact their institutional site miner before submitting an application.institutional site miner PILOT grants provide up to $50,000 to support direct costs for proof-of-concept studies PILOT grants support collaborative research projects in the early stages of pre-commercialization for completion of tasks that help demonstrate proof of concept, e.g., reproducibility experiments, testing of key elements, or early prototype development. This is an open call. Pre-proposals may be submitted at any time. DRIVE grants provide up to $200,000 to support direct costs for proof-of-value and validation studies DRIVE grants provide investments in early-stage technologies for completion of activities that help demonstrate proof of value, e.g., system level testing or complete prototype development. In addition to financial support, DRIVE projects receive active mentoring from a team of experts with significant entrepreneurial, product development, technology, and business development expertise along with project management support. This is an open call. Pre-proposals may be submitted at any time. For additional information about PILOT and DRIVE grants, including details of the application and selection process, selection criteria, and application deadlines, please visit B-BIC.org.B-BIC.org PILOT and DRIVE grants
Send stories and photos to Sam by Friday, August 22 nd to be included in Dr. Rheinwald’s Memory book
BWH Dermatology Research Presentation Schedule August 15 Summer Student Presentations August 22Summer Student Presentations August 29Nick Collins “"Skin-resident CD4+ memory T cells: Do they exist and what regulates them?" September 5Baecher Allan Lab / Ramsey Lab