Affordable Housing Martin Aust Pathfinder Development Consultants 07718 403 205


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Presentation transcript:

Affordable Housing Martin Aust Pathfinder Development Consultants

What is Affordable Housing  “…for households whose needs are not not by the market”  May be:  Social C60% of market rents (traditionally)  Affordable 80% of market rents (new development)  Intermediate Housing  Shared Ownership  Shared Equity  Intermediate Rent

How is Affordable Housing allocated?  Anyone wanting affordable housing applies to a single housing register (administered by the LA)  The LA assesses - considers individual circumstances against published criteria – and awards a banding from A-E. They also determines what size property the applicant is entitled to  When a property becomes available, it is advertised with relevant information  Interested applicants place a bid and can see what other bids have been made  The council shortlist; the landlord makes an offer  The system used is called Gateway to Homechoice and is a partnership between 8 LAs and all the HAs working in their areas

What is taken into account?  Some schemes are allocated on the basis of meeting district wide need  Previously – some schemes in SCDC included a narrowly defined local connection clause in a S106 agreement. This means that some people in relatively low need may take precedence over someone in another part of the district with very high need  Current position – for the majority of new schemes in SCDC - initially only applicants from the relevant Housing Market area are considered. Applicant with highest band will be made an offer. Where there are 2 or more applicants with same band, the time on register is deciding factor. Local connection Banding Time on register

What is taken into account?  Scheme developed through the Rural Exceptions policy are indeed exceptions! On these schemes “local connection” is defined at a parish level. Local connection takes priority over housing need.  Where there are S106 agreements in place, these will set out the position for that scheme. S106 agreements cannot be changed retrospectively.  This means the situation varies – if in doubt you can ask about the criteria when a property becomes vacant in your parish (it will also be included in the advert) Local connection Banding Time on register

Working in Partnership  Local Authority as enabler, and planning authority  New affordable housing delivered through Registered Providers (Housing Associations)  Not for profit  Regulated by Homes and Communities Agency  Receive grant funding to ensure affordability  New role as providers for LAs

What does the NPPF say  Presumption in favor of sustainable development  Plan for a mix of housing types and tenures  Policy to meet need for affordable housing (presumption off on site)  Respond to rural housing need, including through the exceptions policy  Maintaining vitality of rural communities including groups of settlements

Council policy as amended by recent national guidance.  Waveney – 35% affordable housing target  Suffolk Coastal – 33% affordable housing target  On sites of 10 or more homes / 1,000m2  Affordable Housing % is reduced by demolished or converted floor space  Support for Exceptions sites

Delivery of New Affordable Homes  Affordable housing requires substantial subsidy through grants and subsidized land.  S106 agreements on developments of over 10 units (since Nov 14) is major source of affordable housing  33/35%  Affordable rent (in the main)  No grant funding  Subject to viability


Delivery of New Affordable Homes (2)  Asset Management opportunities / public sector land  PRC redevelopment / garage courts / garden land etc.  Regeneration  Often on a land inclusive basis with smaller developers  In locations not suitable for outright sale

Rural Exceptions Policy  Outside of development boundary / site allocations exceptional consent if proven local housing need  Site must be suitable in all other regards  Proving the need  Existing data sources normally sufficient  If not local needs survey  Allocations cascade

Issues Moving Forward  Increasing affordability crisis increasing demand for affordable housing  Historically low rates of build  Backdrop of austerity  In the recession HAs restricted development  Key issue has been ensuring plurality of new providers  By encouraging HA partners  Nervousness around Right to Buy proposals  Rural Housing - Political Priority locally