Demonstrate the Cotton Wool Test You require a pencil, a sandwich bag and an amount of cotton wool.
It is possible to tell the difference between an entry and an exit wound. Entrance wounds tend to be smaller than exit wounds. If you can do this you can tell where the bullet was fired from. Doctors at the time disagreed about whether the wounds on Kennedy were entry or exit wounds. 1. Draw a skull with an exit wound and label it. 2, Draw a skull with an and entry wound label it. 3.Explain the difference between the two. 4. Why is the study of entrance and exit wounds so important to criminologists?
Enquiry has four stages which include some new thinking words. Think up some questions that you think it would be important to know the answer to. This helps to break up the task. Guess what you think the answers might be Get all these answers together and form what you think is a sensible idea about the thing as a whole Test your guesses against the evidence. Do they fit? If not go back to the first stage and ask some better questions! If all your guesses fit the evidence then you can hypothesise!
A photograph of JFK showing a large neck wound. Both of these photos were taken at Bethesda Hospital. The drawing on the right, was approved by Dr. Robert McClelland, one of the doctors who treated Kennedy in the Parkland Emergency Room. 1.What is different about these two pictures? 2. After looking at Kennedy’s Heads Wounds what questions would you like to ask? Formulate some questions that you want the answers to.
Make your own Hypothesis. However, you are going to speculate the answers to these following questions: 1.What exactly happened to Kennedy’s body between Parkland Hospital, Dallas and its arrival in Washington? 2. Who did this? 3.Why did they do this? 4.How did they get away with this? It will be impossible to get the answers right away.
On each of the eight tables in the room your are going to find a pack of information. This source is going to give you information about the wounds that were found of Kennedy’s body. Please note there were two different examinations carried out on Kennedy’s Body The first autopsy was carried out at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, shortly after his death. The second autopsy was carried out a few days later in Bethesda Hospital in Washington D.C.
What does this source say…Dallas or Bethesda Agree or Disagree with Lone Gun Man Theory. Why? Source A Source B Source C Source D Source E Source F Source G Source H
Presenting your Hypothesis. You are going to present your explanations to the following questions: 1.What do you think happened to Kennedy’s body between Parkland Hospital, Dallas and its arrival in Washington? 2. Why would they do this?
Source A Aubrey Wright – an attendant at the O’Neil Funeral Home in Dallas. He was speaking in Source C Dr Malcolm Perry – who examined the President’s body at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas. He was speaking at the Press Conference immediately after the Death of the President on November 22nd Source F Commander James Humes – who carried out the autopsy at Bethedsa Hospital in Washington. (This was his first autopsy involving gunshot wounds) Taken from his autopsy notes, November 24th These notes were later burnt by Humes. In your groups you have 2 minutes to decide which source is the most trustworthy and why? Be prepared to present your ideas.
Source A Aubrey Wright – an attendant at the O’Neil Funeral Home in Dallas. He was speaking in Source C Dr Malcolm Perry – who examined the President’s body at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas. He was speaking at the Press Conference immediately after the Death of the President on November 22nd Source F Commander James Humes – who carried out the autopsy at Bethedsa Hospital in Washington. (This was his first autopsy involving gunshot wounds) Taken from his autopsy notes, November 24th These notes were later burnt by Humes. Source A “When I moved the body at Parkland memorial Hospital in Dallas I placed the body in a ceremonial bronze casket… I am certain about this because I had the President’s blood on my clothes which would not have happened if the President’s body had been in a bag… the casket was then taken to Airforce One.” Source C “The neck wound appeared to be an entrance wound in the front of the throat…the bullet was coming at the President.” Source F “There was a large neck wound. This was an exit wound – the bullet would have entered from behind…there was no trace of the President’s brain.” Which source is the most reliable? Source A, C or Source F. Examine the content and the origin of each source to answer the question.
If you were a policeman investigating a murder you would have to decide which evidence you can trust and which evidence can not be relied upon. This is exactly what this task is asking you to do. Which piece of evidence would you trust the most, source A,C or F? Paragraph 1 – In some ways Source A is trustworthy because…(minimum of 2 reasons) In some ways the content is untrustworthy because…. (minimum of 2 reasons) Paragraph 2 In some ways I would trust Source C because…(minimum of 2 reasons) In some ways I would not trust Source C because…(minimum of 2 reasons) Paragraph 3 In some ways I would trust Source F because…(minimum of 2 reasons) In some ways I would not trust Source F because…(minimum of 2 reasons) Conclusion Which source would you trust most and WHY!!! Explain in detail, directly comparing the sources. e.g. Source A is much more reliable than Source F because… Tips 1.Try and find two reasons why you would trust the source and two reasons why you wouldn’t trust the source for each paragraph. This can a mixture of origin or content, or purely about the origin of the source. 2. When testing a source for its origin consider: a)Can we trust WHO wrote it b) Can we trust WHY it was written? c) Can we trust WHEN it was written? d) Can we trust WHERE it was written? You might not have something relevant to say for who, why, where and when BUT you will have something relevant to say for at least two of the points. 3. If you test the reliability of the content you must “quote” and explain the quote. You can use other sources or your own knowledge to help you figure out whether the source is telling the truth. 4. When explaining why a source is reliable or unreliable SPELL IT OUT! Try a THREE STEP approach to explaining your answer. Source A is unreliable because (step 1) … This shows us that (step 2)… This means why can’t trust it because (step 3)…
Source A Aubrey Wright – an attendant at the O’Neil Funeral Home in Dallas. He was speaking in “When I moved the body at Parkland memorial Hospital in Dallas I placed the body in a ceremonial bronze casket… I am certain about this because I had the President’s blood on my clothes which would not have happened if the President’s body had been in a bag… the casket was then taken to Airforce One.” Source A Aubrey Wright – an attendant at the O’Neil Funeral Home in Dallas. He was speaking in 1988.
Source B Paul O’Connor – Autopsy Technician at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Washington. He was speaking in 1988 “When the body arrived it was in a pinkish grey shipping casket. When we opened it a grey body bag was inside…we unzipped it and lifted out the president’s body….”
Source C Dr Malcolm Perry – who examined the President’s body at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas. He was speaking at the Press Conference immediately after the Death of the President on November 22 nd “The neck wound appeared to be an entrance wound in the front of the throat…the bullet was coming at the President.” The Ambulance outside Parkland Hospital, Dallas.
Source D Dr McClelland a Surgeon who attended the President at Dallas “The President had a large head wound in the rear…part of the brain was visible.”
Source E Audrey Bell – A nurse who attended the President in the Emergency Room at Parkland Memorial Hospital Dallas. She did not have the opportunity to examine the throat wound, only the head wound. Speaking in “ The right hand side and the front of Kennedy’s head was largely intact apart from a small wound. The wound was small and round like an entry wound instead of larger like an exit wound could look…..No surgery was done in Dallas on the President’s wound”
Source F Commander James Humes – who carried out the autopsy at Bethedsa Hospital in Washington. (This was his first autopsy involving gunshot wounds) Taken from his autopsy notes, November 24 th These notes were later burnt by Humes. “There was a large neck wound. This was an exit wound – the bullet would have entered from behind…there was no trace of the President’s brain.” The Naval Hospital in Bethesda, Washington
Source G A photograph of JFK showing a large neck wound at the front of the throat. This photograph was taken at Bethesda Hospital.
Source H This is a picture of the shirt Kennedy was wearing on the day of the assassination.