3rd Biennial GEF IW Conference Brasil, June UNDP/GEF Danube Regional Project GEF Danube – Black Sea Strategic Partnership 3rd Biennial GEF International Waters Conference 20 – 25 June 2005 Ivan Zavadsky, UNDP/GEF Regional Programme Director Danube/ Black Sea
3rd Biennial GEF IW Conference Brasil, June THE DANUBE RIVER BASIN the most international basin in the world »10% of Europe territory »81 Mio Inhabitants (10% of Europe) »18 Countries »diverse cultures »particular situation of transition countries and new EU members and candidates »regional social and economic disparities
3rd Biennial GEF IW Conference Brasil, June COOPERATION FOR POLLUTION CONTROL IN THE DANUBE – BLACK SEA REGION »GEF Support: GEF Danube – Black Sea Strategic Partnership and TDA/SAP Process »Danube Convention and the ICPDR »Black Sea Convention – BSC »ICPDR/BSC Memorandum of Understanding »DABLAS Task Force »EU Water Framework Directive and other EU Directives »EU Marine Strategy
3rd Biennial GEF IW Conference Brasil, June GEF DANUBE – BLACK SEA STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP Background »Pollution of the Black Sea by nutrients – degradation of ecosystems, reduced biodiversity, economic loss »Danube – Black Sea MoU (2001), aimed at recovery of the Black Sea Ecosystems to status of 60ties »GEF Strategic Partnership – nutrient reduction measures & policy reforms, supporting the implementation of the MoU and both the Danube and the Black Sea Conventions.
3rd Biennial GEF IW Conference Brasil, June GEF DANUBE – BLACK SEA STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP Summary of objectives 1.Adopting and implementing of new policies, institutional and regulatory measures for nutrient reduction, 2.Implementing investment projects for water pollution reduction, 3.Capacity building for water pollution management including monitoring systems, 4.Adopting of legal mechanisms at national and regional level (Conventions) to control nutrient releases to the Black Sea, 5.Reinforcing international cooperation for nutrient reduction measures, 6.Implementing pilot project for nutrient reduction with active involvement of stakeholders.
3rd Biennial GEF IW Conference Brasil, June GEF STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP Coordination »Funds allocated for mid-term stocktaking meeting and further coordination activities »STM Nov 2004 »Sustainability of Commissions »Inter-Ministerial Coordination »Coordination at Implementing Agencies and projects levels »Exchange of lessons learned »New management structure of two regional projects
3rd Biennial GEF IW Conference Brasil, June DANUBE REGIONAL PROJECT A Summary of Project Activities »Strengthening Institution(s) – regional level (ICPDR), national level, other stakeholders; »Improving Management Tools – river basin management, Danube GIS, economic instruments; »Developing Policies – agriculture, industry, land-use and wetlands, phosphate detergents; »Promoting Public Participation – NGO strengthening, Small Grants Programme, public participation and access to information; »Implementing Pilot Projects – river basin management, agriculture, wetlands
3rd Biennial GEF IW Conference Brasil, June COOPERATION IN THE DANUBE RIVER BASIN Danube River Protection Convention – DRPC »The legal frame for co-operation to assure protection of water and ecological resources and their sustainable use in the Danube River Basin »signed: 29 June 1994, Sofia / in force: 22 October 1998 International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River - ICPDR »Mechanism for cooperation »13 contracting parties, including EC
3rd Biennial GEF IW Conference Brasil, June JOINT ACTION PROGRAMME (status 2004) ICPDR Response to the SAP »Trans-national Monitoring Network (TNMN): 79 sampling stations, 52 determinands in water and 33 in sediments, AQC implemented »Pollution control: Emissions Inventories updated »ICPDR List of priority substances established »Accident Early Warning System upgraded and fully operational »Action Programme for Sustainable Flood Protection in the Danube River Basin developed »Policy and legal reforms for pollution reduction developed »Pollution reduction investment programme underway
3rd Biennial GEF IW Conference Brasil, June EU WATER FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE Legaly Binding Framework for RBM »sets uniform standards in water policy and integrates different policy areas involving water issues, »requires a river basin approach for the development of integrated and coordinated river basin management, »stipulates a defined time-frame for the achievement of the good status of surface water and groundwater, »introduces the economic analysis of water use in order to estimate the most cost-effective combination of measures in respect to water uses, »includes public participation in the development of river basin management plans ( active involvement of stakeholders, non- governmental organisations and citizens).
3rd Biennial GEF IW Conference Brasil, June TDA/WFD Transition Key Problems Identified Approved at the Ministerial Meeting – Vienna, 13 December 2004 Danube Basin Analysis (WFD Roof Report)
3rd Biennial GEF IW Conference Brasil, June Roof Report / TDA Addressing Different Uses of DRB Water Resources »Detail characterisation of surface and ground waters »Identification of pressures and their causes: »Pollution »Hydromorphological alterations due to flood protection, power generation, navigation, etc »Other anthropogenic pressures »Assessment on rivers, lakes, coastal waters and their ecosystems »Inventory of protected areas (biodiversity) »Economic analysis of water uses »Public information and consultation
3rd Biennial GEF IW Conference Brasil, June TDA/WFD Transition Key Problems Identified Pressures and Impact Assessment in the DRB »Organic pollution (from urban settlements, industry, agriculture »High risk of ground water pollution from fertilizers, chemicals, untreated sewage, etc. »Nutrient loads (N&P) and consequent eutrophication causing severe ecological imbalance in the Black Sea »Hazardous substances (29 Danube Priority Substances) »Hydromorphological alterations (incl. dams, river regulations, etc.), affecting mainly wetlands and biodiversity
3rd Biennial GEF IW Conference Brasil, June Characteristics of the river basin district 2. Significant pressures and impacts of human activity 3. Identification and mapping of protected areas 4. Monitoring networks and monitoring results 5. Environmental objectives and exemptions 6. Economic analysis of water use 7. Programme of measures 8. Register of more detailed programmes and management plans 9. Public information and consultation measures incl. results 10. List of competent authorities 11. Contact points for obtaining background documentation Black: chapters included in RR 2004 Red: new chapters for RBM Plan From: Annex VII WFD – Elements of the river basin management plan DANUBE RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PLAN Outline
3rd Biennial GEF IW Conference Brasil, June CONCLUSIONS »Completion of the revised SAP Danube WFD Roof Report »Revised SAP Danube WFD RBM Plan »TDA/SAP / WFD approach led to balancing of different uses of the Danube »The EU WFD: driving force and mechanism for support of integrated water management »DRB Countries made significant progress in establishing the necessary mechanisms for coordination and cooperation in transboundary context
3rd Biennial GEF IW Conference Brasil, June CONCLUSIONS »Major challenges to achieve sustainability in the Danube Basin: »Agricultural practices and future development of the sector towards less intensive and less polluting production »Investment needed for sufficient treatment of wastewater from municipalities »Strategies for industrial development to prevent pollutant releases to waters. »Transportation policy respecting natural hydromorphology of the rivers
3rd Biennial GEF IW Conference Brasil, June GEF SUPPORT IN THE DANUBE BASIN GEF Danube – Black Sea Strategic Partnership »country related investment projects (World Bank-GEF Investment Fund for Nutrient Reduction) »UNDP/UNEP Black Sea Project »UNDP Danube Regional Project »other GEF and donor interventions targeting nutrient reduction