People Poems By Classes 5 and 6
Class 5 and 6 have been studying similes and metaphors. We had to write poem about either Mr Cook or Mrs Mason using similes or metaphors. Here are some for you to enjoy! Mr Cook Mr Cook is a careful coffee table holding a coffee. He has a heart as big as London. When he’s angry his sound is the roar of a lion. When he’s happy he’s like a daisy. Mr Cook is a cloud in the evening, If somebody’s naughty he shoots lightning He’s a can of cola fizzing with joy. By Blake Bushell – class 5 Mr Cook Mr Cook is a rocking chair in a cosy living room. He is a sunflower looking to the sun. Mr Cook is the King of Whitfield Aspen school. A colourful woodpecker protecting the forest. Flat lemonade with no bubbles, to go up your nose! By Justin Clayton – class 5
Mrs Mason Mrs Mason is like a rocking horse galloping with delight. She’s a bright, red robin flying to the sun. A milk daisy twirling in the light green meadow. She’s an early bird always up in the morning as the cloudy sunrise clears off. A bottle of champagne, bursting with laughter and kindness. Mrs Mason is the wind riding through the corridor! No one is kinder than Mrs Mason By Helena Fuchey - Class 5 Mrs Mason Mrs Mason is like a soft, wooden stool. She’s a cosy, warm sandy beach. A beautiful, fluffy bluebird. She’s like a bluebell bobbing its head in the breeze. Like the sound of a kitten’s meow. A brightening sun in the morning light. She is like a fairy fluttering her delicate, gossamer wings. A butterfly nesting on a nettle. She’s a rainbow washing the rain away. By Ruby Andrews – class 5
Mr. Cook He’s McDonalds, always getting customers, He’s an eagle, looking over everybody, Mr. Cook’s a dandelion, sprouting up everywhere, He’s a bubbling can of lemonade, tanging up people’s days, His shout is like a guard giving orders, He is a strong kitchen table. By Jessica Betts – Class 6 Mr. Cook He’s like a grizzly bear coming out of hibernation, He’s an eagle that can see everywhere Black as expresso coffee, He’s always working in his office like those in a kitchen, He’s hard and soft like leather, A judge that gives out orders. By Alfie Fell– Class 6
Mrs. Mason She is a lovely rose, A squawking seagull when telling people off, A strawberry milkshake, A musician playing sweet music, In the afternoon, a quick lunch, A buzzing bee. By Kaylah Bradbury– Class 6 Mrs. Mason She’s a calm desk chair, She’s a smart penguin, She has a werewolf’s howl when telling people off, A lemonade, A sweet daisy, A policewoman By Hazel Leggett– Class 6
Created by Classes 5 and 6 with a little help from the Teachers