Project Information
Contact Information
Project Being Developed
Preliminary Project Needs Vendor specific devices Hardware specific devices Software from the Purchasing Manual Instructions (PLTW website) Annual License through PLTW Star topology Wired Infrastructure Ethernet Technology Vex Kits not Fischertechnik (FT) (PLTW, 2011) Desk and chairs will need to be formed in the shape of a U A cable plant consisting of Category 5 Cable will need to be placed in conduits Room adjacent to computer/network room will need to be cleared to house Server Initial Project Specifications Continued on Next Slide
Preliminary Project Goals The initial project goals consisted of designing a LAN-WAN network that would meet or exceed the following list of needs created by Lodge Elementary School so that the school could implement a new technology-based curriculum. The following list is subject to change and is a early development list (but not limited to): PLTW’s Specific Software Requirements PLTW’s Vendor Specific Requirements New network will support more than 140 users Project will be tailored to meet the needs of all stakeholders involved. Lodge schools (public) limiting purchase structure Management for140 plus users accounts Continued Initial Project Specifications
Project Specification Changes Since Original Needs Analysis and System Specifications Project Planning (All the following completed) Preliminary Investigation Gathered Requirements Site Visited Site Report Produced Needs Analysis Created Project Participants Chosen Joint Application Development Sessions Attended (2 thus far) Changes Since Initial Project Specifications Continued on the Following Slides
Changes Since…. Continued Design (All the Following Completed) Created Preliminary Design Specs Produced Design Specifications Refined Needs Analysis and System Specs Changes Since Initial Project Specifications Continued on the Following Slides
Implementation (delayed at this point due to limited purchasing structure) Place Workstations Place Switches and Routers Run Category 5 Cable Changes Since Initial Project Specifications Continued on the Following Slides Even though this phase is on hold all the pre-required work has been completed and a new timeline reflecting the completed tasks, targeted milestones, remaining work, and new completion date, has also been created
Changes Since Initial Project Specifications Project Timeline Created Since….. The Implementation Phase is on delay so this timeline does not reflect the accurate progression of the project but it does show changes since……
Changes Since Initial Project Specifications New Timeline Reflecting New Implementation Phase Projection Not completed New Implementation Projection This new timeline does reflect the new projected Implementation Phase completion
Electrician: $ Hardware: 35 Dell Vostro 260 Computers: $20,000 Cat 5 Cable: $ Cisco SR224GT Switches: $ HP MediaSmart EX495 Server: $ HP LaserJet P2055dn Printer: $ Software: RobotC: $ Windows Server 2008 Licenses: $ Budget was Created Since …. Changes Since Initial Project Specifications Continued on Next Slide Only
Labor: Network Designer: $2, Chief Technology Officer: $ Chief Communications Officer: $ Electrician: $ Subtotal $25, Miscellaneous: Contingency 15%: $ Grand Total $29, Changes Since Initial Project Specifications
Network Design was Created Since…. Network Design
Changes Since Initial Project Specifications Security Risk Assessment Matrix Security Risk Assessment Matrix was created since….
Changes Since Initial Project Specifications Key Individuals with Authority in Security Plan Key Project Participants were selected since….
Security Policies Privacy statements Accountability statements Authentication statements Reporting violations. Security Software Windows Server 2008: Active Directory/Group Policies Microsoft Security Essentials: Anti-virus protection for each workstation Changes Since Initial Project Specifications Security Policies and Items Security Policies and Items were created since…
Security Hardware Router: Firewall Network Address Translation Other Security Measures Access Control Lists (ACLs): Restricts Websites that cannot be Accessed Changes Since Initial Project Specifications Security Policies and Items were created since…
Budget Impact The security costs will increase the proposed budget in that a Router and Windows Server 2008 software will be added to the already existing budget. This cost increase will most likely be covered in the 15% contingency cost already submitted in the proposed budget; however, if the contingency does not cover the additional cost then this will modify the already existing budget. Changes Since Initial Project Specifications Security Policies and Items were created since…
The following are the diagrams, personnel tables, and page screen shots that have been submitted throughout the presentation: Diagrams and Charts Network Diagram Project Timeline Risk Assessment Matrix Personnel Table Gantt Chart
Revised Timeline Remaining Deliverables Revised timeline with dates for remaining development and deliverables
The LAN-WAN network design for Lodge Elementary school has slightly changed since the original project needs and goals. This presentation documents those changes and includes: all contact information, description of the project being developed, original project needs and goals, changes that have taken place since the original needs analysis and system specifications, diagrams, personnel tables, page screen shots, and a revised timeline with dates for the remaining development and deliverables. All of this information collectively updates the System Specifications document used during the final phases of the project. The End