Handwriting Competition!
Are you proud of your handwriting? Can you present your work neatly and accurately?
Non-writing hand stabilises the paper Paper correctly slanted Head correct distance from paper Back slightly flexed forward Bottom well back in the chair Feet flat on the floor and slightly apart Are you forming your letters correctly? Are any letters too tall or too short? Are the descenders of any letters too long or too curly? Is there any space between your letters? Is there a space between your words? Are you making the four joins correctly? Diagonal joins to letters without ascending Horizontal join to letters without ascenders Diagonal join to letters with ascenders horizontal join to letters with ascenders Getting ready to write Is your paper at the correct angle? Aston Manor Academy Handwriting Matters Are you sitting comfortably and determined to produce your best work? Checklist Are you holding your pencil correctly? Ascenders: Letters that come above the line, for example: b, d, h, k, t Descenders: Letters that come below the line, for example: f, g, j, p, q, y
If the answer to these questions is ‘YES,’ then why not enter our handwriting competition?
o enter: To enter: All you have to do is to choose one of thefollowing tasks and write it out in yourbest handwriting, taking care to formyour letters neatly and join themtogether. You must write using blue orblack ink and remember all of yourpunctuation! All you have to do is to choose one of the following tasks and write it out in your best handwriting, taking care to form your letters neatly and join them together. You must write using blue or black ink and remember all of your punctuation!
Tasks 1.Write out your favourite poem andexplain why you like it. Alternatively, write outa poem that you have written yourself! 1.Write out your favourite poem and explain why you like it. Alternatively, write out a poem that you have written yourself! 2.Write a review of a book, film orcomputer game. 2.Write a review of a book, film or computer game. 3.Write out any piece of work completed inschool this year that you are particularly proudof. 3.Write out any piece of work completed in school this year that you are particularly proud of.
When you have completed your entry please handit to your English teacher, or to Mrs Hughes in thelibrary. All entries must be submitted by themorning of Monday 14th March.Don’t forget to put your name, form and the nameof your house on the top of the page! When you have completed your entry please hand it to your English teacher, or to Mrs Hughes in the library. All entries must be submitted by the morning of Monday 14 th March. Don’t forget to put your name, form and the name of your house on the top of the page! GOOD LUCK! Mrs Jones