By Seth
Sharks lived longer than dinosaurs Sharks don’t have any bons Sharks are a kind of fish Sharks also have no swim bladder
Great white sharks have3,000 teeth Only the underbelly of the great white isaverage Great whit average feet long Young great wites eat fish, rays, and other sharks
The goblin shark is a rarely seen slow swimmer The goblin shark is soft, pale, and pink-gray The goblin is the only shark that has an anal fin Goblin sharks are very little known
Tiger shark teeth are very serrated, razor shark Tiger sharks will eat fish, turtles, and crabs Tiger sharks grow up to 20 feet {6m} Tiger sharks swim at an average speed
Angel sharks have small teeth in trap in trap like jaws The various species of angel sharks rangein size up to 6.5 feet{2m} long They eat fish, crabstaceans, and molusks Angel sharks are not extremely fast swimmers
eye teeth First dorsal fin Pectoral fin Caudal fin gills
Bull sharks teeth are triangular,serrated On average adalt males are about 7 feet [2.1m]long The bull shark is found close to shore The bull shark is very common shark