Welcome to Valley Central Middle School Physical Education Open House
MS Physical Education Staff Mr. Shane Regan Vm #19438 Ms. Erin Davis Vm#19262 Mr. Bill Miller Vm#19399 Mrs. Jeanne Marie Flanagan Vm#19018 Mr. Paul Cummings Vm# 19259
PE Policies This Physical Education presentation is listed on the Valley Central Middle School web page Under Departments. Click Physical Education. Click PE Policies and information.
Proper Attire T shirt Athletic shorts Khaki shorts Sweat shirts/pants Jackets for outside Sneakers
Unacceptable Attire Jeans Jean shorts Pajama pants Boots Slippers, flip flops Anything with metal Jewelry
Locker Rooms BoysGirls
Locker Rooms Boys Boys can only use their locker for the class period Unless they are an in season athlete Girls Girls can have a small locker for the whole year Girls athletes can have a tall locker only when they are an in season athlete School Locks are preferred Locker rooms are for changing only No fooling around
Attendance Procedure Once the late bell has rung, students have approximately 5 minutes to change into their PE clothes and sit on their squad spot. If students are not in their squad spot by the time the teacher has reached them in attendance they will be marked late and lose 2 points if they do not have a pass. Where is John?
Grading Points Each class is worth 5 points Class grades are based on preparation and participation as well as the Valley Central PE Rubric Students who are not prepared lose credit for class A prepared student who does not participate will lose credit for class School Activities are excused Make ups Students are able to make up days absent for full credit Students are able to make up days unprepared for 3 out of 5 points Students can’t make up days that they chose not to participate Students can’t make up days that they lost points for behavioral matters
PE Rubric Psychomotor Cognitive Safety Fitness Outstanding Needs Improvement Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Student almost always puts forth consistent effort to improve skills resulting in observable progress and improvement in technique and performance. Student usually puts forth a consistent effort to improve skills resulting in some progress and improvement of performance and previous errors in technique. Student attempts to perform skills showing some evidence of correct technique, but effort and application are inconsistent and not always effective. Student exhibits an overall lack of effort or desire to attempt skills. Technique is not yet sufficient and there has been little evidence of improvement or effective performance. Student demonstrates evidence of a comprehensive understanding of rules and objectives of the activity or exercise and is able to assist or correct others. Student demonstrates a basic understanding of rules and objectives of the activity or exercise but is usually able To participate effectively. Student demonstrates a minimal understanding of some rules and objectives of the activity or exercise and usually needs assistance to participate appropriately. Student consistently demonstrates an incorrect application of rules and is able to participate on a minimal level in the activity only with constant support. Student almost always participates energetically and safely, demonstrating self- control and respect for the positive and safe experience of others. Student normally participates energetically and safely, demonstrating self control, fair play and respect for others. Although inconsistent in energy and enthusiasm, student usually participates safely, demonstrating self control, fair play, and respect for others. Student lacks self- control at times or often and needs reminders and encouragement from others to participate in a safe, fair, energetic, and/or respectful manner. Student demonstrates mostly above average levels of physical fitness as well as a cognitive understanding of healthy habits and choices to maintain/improve personal health and fitness Student demonstrates at least average levels of fitness and is usually able to differentiate between healthy choices and habits that may have a negative impact on overall health and fitness. Although fitness levels are just slightly below average, student regularly demonstrates evidence of choices and/or habits that may have a potentially negative impact on personal health and fitness Student exhibits low levels at several components of physical fitness and may be “at risk” for habits and/or choices that negatively impact personal health and fitness
Medical Parent Note Students can be excused for a maximum of 2 PE classes with a parent note. These classes can be made up for full credit Doctor Note Students who are out more then 2 PE classes need a medical note from a doctor Long term medicals will be placed in a study hall for the length of the medical Students will be given a medical project by their PE teacher which needs to be completed in the time they are out on medical
Activities Offered Floor Hockey Team handball Basketball Softball Volleyball Bowling Tennis X-C / Fitness Run Fitness Project Adventure Swimming Football Soccer Lacrosse Track & Field Golf Wrestling
Fitness Grams
Swimming Basic swim strokes Safety skills Games Swim makes ups can only be made up by swimming Evening swims and in class Parent notes for menstrual cycle and illness allow for full credit make ups What to Bring Lessons Taught Make Ups for Swimming Swim Suit Towel Plastic Bag
Project Adventure
Other PE Locations PoolBack Gym
Other PE locations cont. TrackTennis Courts
Other PE Locations cont. Back Fields
MS Physical Education Staff Mr. Shane Regan Vm #19438 Ms. Erin Davis Vm#19262 Mr. Bill Miller Vm#19399 Mrs. Jeanne Marie Flanagan Vm#19018 Mr. Paul Cummings Vm# 19259