Nixon’s Foreign Policy Nixon + Kissinger redefined Cold War American foreign policy Realpolitik: Political goals should be defined by concrete national interests as opposed to abstract ideologies
Nixon’s Foreign Policy Put aside Cold War biases = China + S.U. (ideological enemies) could be very beneficial trading partners They agreed there was no worldwide communist mvm’t Flexible vs. absolute foreign policy
Nixon Reaches out to China “Nixon wants to recognize China.” The People’s Republic of China was not formally recognized by the U.S. + not allowed in U.N. Taiwan was serving China’s seat Nixon knew China was too big to be ignored forever VERY unlike him! Said improving relations w/ China would actually benefit the U.S. Economically for trade Politically to hurt the S.U. Force NV to a negotiated peace
Nixon Normalizes Relations With China Lots to gain + little to lose = Nixon goes w/ his plans April 1971 – China invites U.S. table tennis team to play against the Chinese Demonstrated the China was willing to talk ∴ Kissinger worked behind the scenes to solve sensitive issues w/ Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai
Nixon Visits China February 1972: Nixon made the historic trip to China Toured the Great Wall, Imperial Palace, etc Talked at length w/ Premier Zhou Enlai + Mao Zedong Learned a Chinese toast (in Chinese) Successful in normalizing relations w/ China One year later American tourists started going to China! 1979 = full diplomatic relations opened up b/w U.S + China
Détente With the Soviet Union B/c of meeting/w China, Brezhnev (replaced Khrushchev in 1964) feared the S.U. would be isolated ∴ he invited Nixon to the S.U.!
Nixon Visits the Soviet Union Nixon went in May established SALT I Treaty: Froze the deployment of ICBM’s Limited # antiballistic missiles to 1972 levels Limited the # of submarine missiles they could have
Détente With the Soviet Union Détente: Policy of easing Cold War tensions Moving away from suspicion + distrust towards diplomacy Nixon visited China + S.U. several times ∴ Relaxed the inflexible U.S. stance against communism More realistic approach to foreign policy Was able to reach a peace agreement in Vietnam Each a step closer to the end of the Cold War