Chapter 18 Lesson 1 Matter
What comes to mind when I say “water?” Clean Clear Wet Drink swim
What are some of the functions of water? Life giving destroying life cleansing
Why does the Church use water in Baptism? The Sacraments effect what they signify. Through Baptism, we are cleansed of sin.
Turn to Page 97 in your textbook. How did Jesus institute the sacrament of Baptism? Mt 28:
Water is the matter because it had deep meaning to God’s people in the Old Testament. You will be divided into groups. Look up the following. Tell why water is important in this story. You will present to the class. Creation: Gen 1:1-2:3 The Flood: Gen 6-7 Crossing the Red Sea: Ex 14:14-15:3 Cleaning of Naaman: 2 Kings 5:9-13, Crossing the Jordan: Josh 1:1-15 John’s Baptism: Mt 3 Woman at the Well: Jn 4:5-15 Healing Pools: Jn 5:1-18
What is the significance of water in the previous passages. Creation – We become a new creation in Baptism; the Holy Spirit will be with us and we shall have life. Noah’s Flood – All sin will be washed away. Crossing the Red Sea – We shall no longer be slaves to sin and the devil; we shall enter a covenant with God Cleaning of Naaman – We shall be cleansed from sin and shall become as children of God. Crossing the Jordan – We, too, shall inherit the Promised Land of heaven. John’s Baptism – We repent of our sins and God will claim us as his children. Woman at the Well – We shall be given grace, the source of eternal life. Healing Pools – We are healed from sin and shall rise to eternal life.
Different Means of Baptism Water may be used in three different ways in the Sacrament of Baptism. The person may be immersed in water three times, water may be poured over a person’s head three times, or a person may be sprinkled with water. Either way is valid.
CCC 1239 “Baptism is performed in the most expressive way by triple immersion in the baptismal water. However, from ancient times it has also been able to be conferred by pouring the water three times over the candidate’s head.”