BBA to MBA Fall 2009 Facilitator: Ayesha Asad
Job More than a collection of tasks A role with meaning and Purpose
Job Coherent set of responsibilities providing the employee a reasonable chance to succeed Rewarding intrinsically to keep and employee motivated and satisfied
Traditional Approaches to work design Based on: Motivation Job Satisfaction 5 - 5
Scientific Management Man motivated by money Simplification of tasks / repetitive work Efficiency orientation
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs Job Designed to reflect needs
Herzberg’s two factor model Job design to reflect dissatisfiers and motivators
Job Characteristics Model Satisfaction Growth Satisfaction Motivation Skill Variety Task Significanc e Task Identity Autonomy Experienced Meaningfuln ess Experienced Responsibility Knowledge of Results Feedback
Drivers of new approaches to work design Flatter hierarchies Increase in Knowledge work Growth of total rewards – development of skills, increasing employability, career development… Decentralization of decision-making to lower levels The boundryless organisation
New Work No more rigid hierarchies Job design to facilitate change Growing Focus on alignment with organizational objectives Performance, Reward and other expectations from a job are clear for both employee and employer There is possibility for employee’s career growth Formal and informal working relationships need to be acknowledged
A more holistic view The main approaches of Scientific management, needs theories as well as the Job Characteristics model could be integrated in a complete approach to job design
A holistic approach to Work Design Four aspects integrating the basic principles of the traditional approach - Role rather than Job Expectations (why is the job being created, what is its objective and how does it contribute to the overall goal achievement) The Work Technical aspects, procedural aspects, bundling tasks with total accountability into each job…/ skill breadth… Relationships Formal and Informal relationships in the organization (Peer group/ team culture/ quality of management / Social contact…) Individual’s needs Equity/ recognition/ intrinsic motivation/ self-actualisation (refer to various theories of need…)
How do we do it? Work simplification Job Enlargement Job Rotation Job Enrichment Team-Based Job Design
How do we do it? Work simplification: Work can be broken down into simple repetitive tasks to maximise efficiency Standardised processes Stable environment
How do we do it? Job Enlargement: Expanding a job’s duties horizontally Focus on removing demotivating factors by adding skill variety
How do we do it? Job Rotation: Rotating workers between narrowly defined jobs without disrupting the flow of work Process work flows Focus on removing demotivating factors by adding skill variety
How do we do it? Job Enrichment: Direct application of the Job Characteristics Model Allows workers to work on an entire product Limited by choice of production technology (think of a 747)
How do we do it? Team-based Job Design Giving a team a meaningful piece of work Team has among them all the skills to accomplish the job Suitable in flat and boundryless organization