Deall gofynion y sefydliad i berfformiad tîm Deall y dull gorau i ddatrys is-berfformiad Deall sut i wella perfformiad gan ddefnyddio theori ysgogi Understand the organisation requirements to team performance Understand how to address underperformance Understand how to improve performance using theory of motivation Dyma beth allwch ei ddisgwyl o’r uned: What you can expect from this unit:
Cytunwch fel grwp chwech safon perfformiad sydd yn ofynnol gan Gyngor Gwynedd: Agree as a group six standards of performance required by Gwynedd Council: Safon au Perfformiad Standards of Performance
Ateb y ffon Amser fflecsi Cydsynio â Deddf Iechyd a Diogelwch Dynesu cadarnhaol i newid Cyfathrebu yn eglur Gweithio gydag eraill i weithredu canlyniadau... Be am yr un ola? Answering the phone Flexitime Comply with Health and Safety legislations Positive approach to change Clear communication Work with others to achieve results... What about the last one? Safonau allweddol perfformiad Key standards of performance
Cyrraedd targedau – y tim Achieving targets – the team Gweithio gydag eraill i weithredu canlyniadau... Enghreifftiau? Impact positif Impact negyddol Work with others to achieve results... Examples... Positive impact Negative impact
Fel grwp ar ‘fflipchart’: Gwnewch restr o broblemau perfformio yn yr adran. Beth ydi achos dichonadwy? As a group on a flipchart: Make a list of regular underperformance problems within the department. What are the possible causes? Tanberfformio Tasg 1 Underperformance Task 1
Nesaf i’r broblem: Rhestrwch weithred/au a allwch gymryd i ddatrys y broblem. Next to the problems: List an action or actions that can be taken to rectify each problem. Gweithred i wella perfformiad Tasg 2 Action to take to rectify underperformance Task 2
Gwirio v safonau Adolygu gwaith sydd wedi ei gynhyrchu Cyfarfodydd tîm Swydd ddisgrifiad Eraill Check v standards Review work produced Team meetings Job descriptions Other Sut i fonitro safonau perfformio y tîm? How to monitor team ‘s perfomance?
Hyfforddi Sgwrs un-i-un Adolygu safonau Adolygu polisiau Training One to one discussions Review standards Review Policies Pa weithred i gymryd i wella perfformiad y tîm? What action you can take to improve team ‘s performance?
Ysgogi’r tîm / Motivating the team Ydi ysgogiad yn hanfodol i chi? Os Ydi, Pam? Is motivation essential to you? If Yes, Why?
Nôd ac amcanion clir Amgylchedd ddiogel i weithio Cyfathrebu clir Amgylchedd positif Perthynas weithio dda Canmol! Diolch! Clear aims and objectives Safe working environment Clear communication Positive environment Good working relationships Praise! Thanks! Pethau i ystyried Things to consider
Gan ddefnyddio damcaniaeth: Datblygwch gyflwyniad i ddangos sut allwch wella perfformaid yn defnyddio damcaniaeth o’ch dewis. Maslow neu Herzberg Using the theory: Develop a presentation to show how you can improve performance using a theory of motivation of your choice. Maslow or Herzberg Gwaith Grwp Group Task