MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Training Strategy Team REBR (Reentry Breakup Recorder) 21 January 2010 Amy Jupin EO
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 2 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Objective of the TST The Training Strategy Team or TST is a structured planning and decision-making group who determine the payload training requirements for each payload or complement of payloads or experiments. Payload training requirements, and what will be needed to fulfill those requirements for crewmembers, are discussed, defined, and agreed upon during this process.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 3 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Agenda TST Products Payload Hardware/Software Operations Description Crew Training Curriculum and Hours Proposed Payload Training Hardware (PD-Provided) Proposed Payload Training Support Hardware (NASA-Provided) On-Board Training Requirements/Development Flow Payload Instructor Certification Payload Training Data Set Schedule
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 4 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama TST Products Training Objectives Training Curriculum Training Time Trainer Type and Fidelity Training Tools and Development Schedule Instructor Selection and Certification Overall Schedule These items must be decided for the TST process to be complete.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 5 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Other Training Products Lesson Plans (PL Instructor) Courseware (PL Instructor) Completion of Training Tool Development Procedures & agreement on how they are validated Displays Usability Test/Trial Training Equipment PL Simulator Test Procedures Training Data Set ECRs to NPOCB Items developed prior to crew training, but not required for TST closure:
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 6 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Payload Hardware/Software Operations Description lLaunches on ATV-2?; Remains stowed on ATV and never crosses hatch to ISS lOR lLaunches on 42P; transferred to ATV, installed/stowed, activated lWill not be activated/operated until just prior to ATV-2 undock (~6 months after vehicle docks) lTwo identical units: one soft-stowed and one hard-mounted on return lISS crewmember will mount one unit to ATV Rack Adapter Plate and activate both units (by cutting wires) lNo other crew interaction necessary
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 7 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Crew Training Curriculum and Hours Hands-on Training: Lesson 1, 1/2 hour, I-6 Objectives Stow REBR-S Mount REBR-H to ATV Rack Adapter Plate (orientation will be decided based on location in ATV) Activate both REBRs by snipping three wires using standard wire cutters (pending HFIT approval) Training Methodology (hands-on) Assumptions: -REBRs will be transferred from the Progress via the Transfer List -The attachment of the Rack Adapter Plate to the ATV will be covered in generic ATV training -Location of REBR mounting is based on information received from ATV Cargo Integration Action: Lt. Gartmann to confirm that ATV-2 will have capability for SSCs to be used within the vehicle.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 8 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama PTU Proposal – PD Supplied Equipment This information will feed directly into the Trainer Requirements in the Training Data Set that have to be baselined. TrainerFidelityQuantity REBR training unit (provided by PI) Physical Fidelity1 ATV Rack Adapter Plate (provided by ESA or PI) If ESA-provided:Total Fidelity If PD-provided: Physical Fidelity 1
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 9 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama PTU Proposal – JSC Supplied Equipment Classroom in building 5 or 4S Table and chairs IPV with crew procedures loaded ISS Tools: Wire cutters (TBC) Wrench or ratchet assembly (TBD) This information will feed directly into the GFE portion of the Training Data Set. REBR will require a classroom setting with crew procedures loaded in IPV for viewing. JSC will provide any necessary standard ISS Tools.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 10 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama On-Board Training Could include Just-in-Time or Proficiency training that will be required prior to on-board payload operations. Time for lessons is taken from Payload’s on-board operation allotment. CBTs must meet the template requirements of the On-Board Training Working Group. All courseware used for training must have been through a payload training dry run. Does REBR need to provide OBT? No
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 11 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama On-Board Training Development Process On-Board Training (OBT) is conducted aboard ISS by the crew in preparation for specific activities. OBT products may be in the form of crew procedures, video conference with a certified instructor, computer-based trainer or other approved training materials. All OBT products shall be approved through the PTDR process detailed in SOP 10.5 prior to being delivered onboard.SOP 10.5 The decision to use OBT to implement payload training is usually made during the Training Strategy Team (TST) process. OBT may be used to implement training for the crew as a supplement to or in place of ground-based training. Reasons to conduct training on- board ISS may be proficiency, optional refresher, or just in time training due to lack of available hardware or training time prior to launch. Planned OBT requirements are entered in the training data set however they will not be carried as payload training hours in the increment training plan. It is also necessary that Users put their OBT requirement into the Planning Data Set (URC) so planning personnel can plan for the payload resources needed on-board accurately. The User is responsible for developing all OBT products. An On-board Computer Based Trainer (OCBT) is one type of On-Board Training media used by payloads. Planned OCBTs shall be developed using the OBTWG approved standard template which is compliant with the ISS Onboard Computer-Based Training Requirements Document (SSP50503). Whether an OCBT, or an OBT product to be flown on a hardware media, the product put on board the ISS is configuration controlled by the JSC Crew On-Board Support System (COSS) Integration group. The OBTWG Payload Rep ensures all final OBT products are accessible from the POIC as a COFR requirement. This SOP defines the procedures for developing and delivering planned OBT products. Part A addresses OBT product development. Part B addresses delivery of an OCBT planned for electronic uplink. Part C addresses physical delivery OBT products planned to be flown on independent removable media (DVD, CD, floppy disk, PC hard card, or unique hard drive). (POH Vol. I, SOP 10.3)
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 12 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Payload Instructor Selection and Certification Requirements Who will be the instructor? Lt. Gartmann Will there be a backup? Tom Stegman Are multiple instructors needed? Yes Payload Instructor(s) are certified by successfully performing a Payload Training Dry Run for each lesson (POH Vol. I, SOP 10.5) Note: The CTC has tentatively scheduled a training session for Increment 27 crewmember Ron Garan for the October 25, 2010 week. Do we need to train more crewmembers (Nespoli)? Not necessary at this time. Who will author crew procedures? Amy Jupin, Ops Lead How will they be validated? At JSC, using trainer/flight hardware (as available). Any displays? No displays, only one LED.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 13 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Payload Training Data Set What is the training data set? PTU Requirements Curriculum Requirements How to access it? Need POIF account Need url of Training & Crew Ops website Need write privileges Who populates it? Ops Lead and/or PD When and how to baseline? 1 ECR for PTU requirements post-TST 1 ECR for curriculum requirements post-PTDR (POH Vol. 1, SOP 10.4)
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 14 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Training Development Milestones Dataset Baseline – Simulator Hardware1 Mar 10 Procedure Delivery & Chosen Author28 Apr 10 Tabletop Procedure Review12 May 10 Procedure Validation 28 Apr 10 Usability TestN/A Payload Simulator Test Procedure14 Jun 10 Simulator Pre-Ship Test1 Jul 10 Simulator Delivery2 Aug 10 Simulator Post Ship Test**2 Aug 10 Lesson Plan/Courseware Delivery30 Aug 10 PTDR**15 Sep 10 Dataset Baseline – Curriculum/Hours1 Oct 10 Ready for Training25 Oct 10 These dates are just a guesstimate based a RFT date provided by the CTC. **Note: May combine the Simulator Post Ship Test with the PTDR to save on travel.
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama Backup Charts
MOL The Mission Operations Laboratory Page 16 NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Huntsville, Alabama PTU Classes/Component Fidelities Component Fidelities Total Fidelity (T): All functional and physical characteristics representative of the flight design Functional Fidelity (F): All functional characteristics representative of the flight design; physical characteristics are not represented Physical Fidelity (P): All physical characteristics representative of flight design; functional characteristics are not required Envelope Fidelity (E): Mockup with exterior shape and color representative of flight design Visual Fidelity (V): No operational/functional capabilities; front panels representative of flight design