The Role of Civil Society in Improving Transparency and Acccountability in Mozambique Centre For Public Integrity work
outline Governance context Center for Public Integrity working areas What we have achieved Some challenges related to EITI Our working strategies
Governance Context – Bad governance and corruption still problematics in Mozambique – Mozambique is not performing well on most surveys (TI indicators, Global Integrity, Bertelsmann Transformation Index, World Bank Indicators) – Negative perception also in the country (Governance and corruption survey 2006): customs, police, education are the worse sectors – An Anti-Corruption Strategy was established in 2006 – Mozambique has a substantial budget support and governance is one of the problematic areas
Governance Context The lack of political will to combat corruption at the leadership level The weak judicial power (Anti Corruption Commission) Incomplete rules and regulations and public monitoring (Legal frameworks vis a vis international conventions) Strong overlap between the ruling party and the state Weak parliamentary role Good perfomance in economics growth
Areas in which we are involved CIP was established in 2005 by a group of citzens Anti Corruption Legislagion Codes of conduct Extractive Industries Transparency Iniciative Anti-Corruption monitoring activities Local Governance monitoring program Public Awareness in Education sector Budget monitoring and analisys Elections Monitoring
What we have achieved A strong government commitment to improve legislation: in 2008 we did an assessment on the legal framework to hilight the weaknesses A new wave of prossecutions against corruption: since 2005, CIP is warning the goverment on the urgency of dealing seriously with corruption; in 2008, judicial authorities started a new waive of prossecutions The adoption of a code of conduct by Teachers Union: 2006, we help the union to design and adopt a code of conduct
What we have achieved A revision of the Anti-Corruption Strategy: in 2006 we started to say tha the strategy were poor and a revision should be done A strong commitement by the government towards EITI: in 2006, we started to push the government to join the Initiative; the Gov joined in May 2009 More and more CSOs are involved in governance issues We were instrumental to ensure transparency and integrity in the last local elections
Some challenges related to EITI Almost all of the extractive products are being exported (how to use them in the country) Secrecy of the contracts (contracts are not disclosed) Relevant legal elements to benefit the communities are not being implemented (social funds; community participation in the projects; linkages with other projects in the economy All of the companies are operating in free trade zones (with special fiscal treatment)
Our working strategies We have a cooperative approach in working with different partners from the state and the civil society We are concentrated on activities that enhance principles of accountability and transparency as a preventive We avoid tracing or investigating individual cases of corruption We work on issues of good governance, accountability, transparency and combating corruption as a long-term continuous process We follow a professional, independent and non- partisan approach
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