5. Presentación general de la iniciativa REDD+ SES 5. Presentation of the REDD+ SES Initiative
Learning Objectives Understand the role the REDD+ SES Initiative plays Understand how countries can use REDD+ SES Become familiar with the Initiative’s governance Become familiar with contents and process of REDD+ SES Become familiar with the international review mechanism
Presentation Role of REDD+ SES Initiative History of REDD+ SES Initiative Governance of REDD+ SES Contents of REDD+ SES Process for using the REDD+ SES International review mechanism
Institutions (formal and informal) To ensure fair and effective design and implementation of these elements Safeguards Information Systems Indicators for processes, policies, and results Monitoring methodology Reporting frameworks to address the different information needs Feedback, grievance, and redress Mechanism? Resolution? Mechanism at country level to receive and resolve grievances related to the national safeguards approach Policies, Laws, and Regulations Regulatory framework which defines and puts into operation the interpretation of country- specific REDD+ safeguards Processes and Procedures To determine elements, such as consultations, access to information, strategic assessments, analysis, implementation reporting, etc. What role do the REDD+ SES play in developing a REDD+ safeguards approach?
1. Identification of indicators for REDD+ social & environmental performance 2. Development of monitoring and assessment methodologies and institutional arrangements 3. Development of reporting methodology and institutional arrangements 3. Creation of new PLRs and procedures (if necessary 1. Definition of PLRs based on which grievances presented 2. Clear, transparent, and timely treatment guidelines 3. Grievance response system Institutions Safeguards Information System Policies, Laws, and Regulations Feedback, Grievance, and Redress Mechanism Processes and Procedures 1. Definition of objectives for safeguards approach 2.Gap analysis of existing social & environmental PLRs and procedures Which stages can REDD+ SES support?
What role does the REDD+ SES Initiative play? Through a process involving the relevant stakeholders Promotes a high level of social & environmental performance of REDD+ programs Is a voluntary Initiative Supports governments in designing and implementing their Safeguards Information System
Presentation Role of REDD+ SES Initiative History of REDD+ SES Initiative Governance of REDD+ SES Contents of REDD+ SES Process for using the REDD+ SES International review mechanism
Development of REDD+ SES Use REDD+ SES in pilot countries Expansion and integration with other safeguards mechanisms Support development of the Safeguards Information Systems Apr Jul Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct Version 1 of the principles, criteria, and indicators Open consultations at national and international level International Executive Committee and Secretariat Beginning: Acre, Brazil Ecuador Nepal, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Version 1 of the Directives Interchange and learnings workshops Expansion to: Amazonas, Brazil East Kalimantan, Indonesia Guatemala, Liberia, Mexico San Martin, Peru Integration with the FCPF & ONU-REDD processes Version 2 of the PCI & directives Interchange and learning Expansion to - Chile - Costa Rica - Mato Grosso, Brazil - Honduras - RDC Conceptual framework and guidance for SIS Methodologies and tools Interchange and learning History of REDD+ SES Initiative
How can the countries use REDD+ SES? Using some elements from the REDD+ SES contents and process as good practices for SIS Good Practice Guidance Using the REDD+ SES contents and process as a basis for the SIS, with substantial variations SIS Basis Using the REDD+ SES process and contents with only some minimal variations (full application of the REDD+ SES) Quality Standard
Use of REDD+ SES by country
Presentation Role of REDD+ SES Initiative History of REDD+ SES Initiative Governance of REDD+ SES Contents of REDD+ SES Process for using the REDD+ SES International review mechanism
Governance of REDD+ SES Initiative at International Level Who? CCBA - CARE - Proforest Initiative (Technical Support) Role? Provide technical support and training to in-country facilitation teams Organize interchange and learning workshops Develop documents from the Initiative for approval by International Standards Committee Secretariat Who? Representatives from government, civil society, community associations, Indigenous Peoples, and the private sector Role? Supervise the development and process of using the standards in the pilot countries Provide strategic orientation and approve contents and process during each stage International Executive Committee
Presentation Role of REDD+ SES Initiative History of REDD+ SES Initiative Governance of REDD+ SES Contents of REDD+ SES Process for using the REDD+ SES International review mechanism
Structure of REDD+ SES Key objectives defining high level of social & environmental performance Conditions related to processes, impacts, policies to be fulfilled in order to comply with principles Quantitative or qualitative information to show progress in complying with the criteria Principle Criteria Indicator EssenceQualifiers Basic ideaKey quality elements
1. Respect for rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities 2. Equitable distribution of benefits 3. Improve livelihoods and well- being of Indigenous Peoples and local communities 4. Contribution to good governance and sustainable development 5. Maintain and improve biodiversity and ecosystem services 6.Full and effective participation and access to information by stakeholders 7 REDD+ SES Principles 7. Compliance with local and national laws and international agreements
Presentation Role of REDD+ SES Initiative History of REDD+ SES Initiative Governance of REDD+ SES Contents of REDD+ SES Process for using the REDD+ SES International review mechanism
How are REDD+ SES used in the country? A multi-stakeholders approach to ensure balanced participation by key stakeholders in using the standards Tailor indicators and assessment process to national context Gather information to assess performance; review draft of assessment report by key stakeholders, and publish report GovernanceInterpretationAssessment
Presentation Role of REDD+ SES Initiative History of REDD+ SES Initiative Governance of REDD+ SES Contents of REDD+ SES Process for using the REDD+ SES International review mechanism
Objectives of REDD+ SES International Review Mechanism To provide an international review of: The REDD+ SES development process at country level (Stages 1-6 of the REDD+ SES guidelines); The country-specific interpretation of the Contents of REDD+ SES (principles, criteria, and indicators); The REDD+ assessment process headed up by the country of the REDD+ program based on these standards (Stages 7-10 of REDD+ SES guidelines). What is the international review mechanism? Provide feedback, guidance, and support to participating countries related to the REDD+ SES process in their countries. Act as control mechanism for claims presented in relation to using the standards and guidelines of the REDD+ SES Initiative Why? Assess whether it is being applied ‘fully’ and if not, understand the scope of differences with REDD+ SES contents and process. How?
Country visit by the members of the International Committee or consultants to identify the differences with REDD+ SES guidelines (10-stage process), approved by the International Committee, published. Review of the desk by the REDD+ SES Sec. of differences with PCI, reviewed and approved by the International Committee Review of desktop by the REDD+ SES Sec., published Review of desktop by the REDD+ SES Sec., publication optional
Activity REDD+ risks and opportunities and REDD+ SES principles Return to risks and opportunities identified in Session 1. Identify whether each risk and opportunity has a principle tailored to this risk and/or opportunity.
Key Learnings What role does the REDD+ SES Initiative play? The REDD+ SES Initiative (true/false) Is voluntary Has eight (8) principles Supports REDD+ projects in showing social & environmental performance Is governed by a Secretariat and an International Executive Committee In which three ways can a country use REDD+ SES? A …….-step process is followed to use the REDD+ SES. The steps are organized around three (3) elements: the ……………………………, the ………………………, and the …………………………
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