Dominic Passalacqua
American Leisure As the century drew close, many urban Americans escaped congested cities to enjoy such things as amusement parks, bicycling, tennis, and spectator sports “EIGHT HOURS FOR WORK, EIGHT HOURS FOR REST, AND EIGHT HOURS FOR WHAT WE WILL”
Amusement Parks To meet city dwellers needs, cities began setting aside precious green space for outdoor enjoyment of their residents Often built by trolley-car companies Boasted picnic grounds, as well as a variety of rides to amuse Coney Island brought daredevil customers to their first roller coaster in 1884 First ferris wheel in Chicago at the Worlds Fair, 1893
Bicycling and Others! Colonel Albert A. Pope in 1870’s manufactured the first bicycle The idea was later enhanced in 1885 with smaller wheels that were filled with air The sport began as a males only sport By American firms turned out 10 mil. Bikes
Continued. Tennis was taken up just as enthusiastically as bicycling Originated in england 1873 Socialite Florence Harriman later taught this sport to americans People had mistaken a tennis sets as nets to catch birds with
Spectator Sports Boxing and Baseball hit it big after bicycling and tennis Spectator sports were triggered by these People who couldn’t attend games or matches would often jam bars, or barber shops to watch them The great John L was world champ until later was knocked out in 1892 by James J. “Gentleman Jim” Corbett
Baseball Baseball became a professional sport in 1845 First world series was held in 1903 Segregation was in the leagues though There was the Negro National League As well as the Negro American League
Live Shows As well as sports came shows came Vaudville was introduced Included song, dance, slapstick comedy, and on some occasions chorus lines of female singers Barnum & Bailey Circus was established in 1881 by P. T. Barnum and Anthony Bailey as “The greatest Show on Earth” Circus included such things as trapeze artists, acrobats, lion tamers, clowns, elephants, and stallions under a big tent
Movie time! Early 20 th century brought motion pictures Big competition for live shows now First films were one reel 10 minute shows of fake skits, or vaudville shows “The Great Train Robbery” increased the popularity of movies that told a story D. W. Griffiths epic 3 hour film shaped the way movies were filmed from close ups, to fade outs and other special effects
Newspaper Coverage was given to citizens through their local newspaper regarding their new favorite sports, or shows Sensational headlines were being used to attract attention Newspapers also brought promotional stunts such as “Around the world in 80 days” Joseph Pulitzer pioneered popular innovations like comics, sports coverage, and womens news
Urban shopping The first shopping center was built in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1890 Growth of cities led to specialization that separate districts Department store concept was made real in 1865 where Marshall Field opened his own store with the motto of “Give the lady what she wants” 1870’s Field was topped by F. W. Woolworth who had opened a store with low prices so people buy on the spur of the moment with little service