Learning Strategies Curriculum The LINCS Vocabulary Strategy
Dr. Donald Deshler, Director of University of Kansas Center of Research on Learning 92Li4S
Where do we go from here? Vocabulary is the crux of comprehension and tactics that require students to transform information through the use of visual images, mnemonic devices or activating prior knowledge prove to be both effective and efficient. Edwin S. Ellis, 2000
EFFECTIVE LEARNING STRATEGY The best readers and learners follow systematic plans for “thinking smart” and using sets of thinking tactics. Example: Using the words “came far” can you remember the countries that fought as allies during WWII?
CAME FAR Canada Australia Mexico England France America Russia
Characteristics of Strategic Learners WHO THEY ARE:WHAT THEY DO: Active learners Think carefully about what they are learning Understand information Learn things easier Learn more information Remember what they have studied Set goals and work toward these Ask questions for understanding Change and manipulate information for easier understanding and remembrance Spend less time studying Use effective strategies for learning and expressing information
About the LINCS strategy For remembering the meaning of new words Use LINCS to remember : Focuses your attention on the parts of the definition you need to remember Activates prior knowledge Involves self checking Science Social Studies Language Arts Vocational Technology Mathematical
LINCS Step 1: List the parts of the word Step 2: Identify a reminding word Step 3: Note a LINCing story Step 4: Create a LINCing picture Step 5: Self test
Test your knowledge Vocabulary Word Palisades Definition A line of steep cliffs that rise along a river or ocean Reminding Word Pal Story and Picture My pal, Sadie dove from the cliff and into the water
Effective REMINDING Words May sound like a part or all of the new word MUST be a real word Has a meaning that you already know Always helps you remember what the new word means
Effective LINCING Story Includes the reminding word or a form of the reminding word Links the reminding word to the meaning of the new word Is short and simple Can be humorous or bizarre
LINCS MEMORY CHAIN transforms a potentially weak link between a word and its definition into a chain of very strong links
Vocabulary for you to try! zibble tamar kiko alster crosstex lamber zemac bayshoo dectrum motosa Food made from grain and honey A wild horse Shoes decorated with beads Cooked fish Necklace worn to ward off evil A religious holiday A tribal leader A medicine man Clay pottery used for eating/cooking Spear like weapon used for hunting
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Always test your lincs Define the following: 1.bayshoo – 2.kiko - 3.lamber – 4.zemac – 5.tamar – Fill in with correct word: 6. Fish that’s been cooked 7. Pot in which the fish were cooked 8. Hunting weapon 9. Tasty grain and honey mixture 10. Wear this to ward off evil