How MSPs represent their constituents in the constituency Today we will: Identify the different ways that MSPs can represent their constituents in their constituency. Describe the challenges many MSPs face when representing constituents.
Activity On a Monday and Friday, MSPs work in their constituencies. In pairs think about all the ways MSPs could represent their constituents in their constituency. For example, What could Alex Salmond do for the people of Turriff? MSPs in the Constituency
Correspondence MSPs will be writing replies to letters, s and replying to phone calls. MSPs have a duty to respond to constituents. More and more MSPs are using social network sites like Facebook and Twitter.
Attending meetings and events – they might talk to business people, the police or the council. Attending special events in their constituency, for example, the opening of a new community centre. Meet with other representatives such as MPs, councillors or MEPs to discuss common concerns in the area.
Holding surgeries where they meet members of the public who have political problems. Issues can be about devolved matters and the MSP is duty bound to take up the issue and report back to the constituent. Visiting schools to find out issues affecting young people within a community and engaging future voters in political activity.
Party work. MSPs are also involved in working with their Constituency Party seeking the views and help of party members. Organising fact finding visits. When a constituent raises an issue the MSP may have to visit somewhere to see first hand what the problem is.
Contact the mass media. A MSP may also work with TV and newspapers to highlight issues within their constituency. MSPs will use the media to gain a positive public profile.
Constituency Work of MSPs Core questions Answer questions 1 – 6 on page 24 of the workbook. Extension If finished, complete extension questions 1 and 2 on page 24.
Activity Copy and compete the following table. You can use your notes and pages of course notes textbook to help you. Work of MSP in the constituency ExplanationExample
A Day in the Life of an MSP Watch the following BBC video clip and make a summary in your jotter of the tasks an MSP will do in a week based on the following slides.
Challenges to the work of an MSP Challenges Party Whips Local Constituents Political Parties
Activity Complete task 8 – Challenges to the work of an MSP (P27)
Question MSPs can represent their constituents in their constituency in a number of ways Describe, in detail, ways MSPs can represent their constituents in their constituency. (6 marks) You have 12 minutes to answer this question!
Homework – MSP Factfile Photo Name: Political Party: Contact details: How do they represent you in parliament? What committees have they joined? What recent questions have they asked in the debating chamber? What votes have they participated in? How do they represent you in the community? When do they hold a surgery? Have they attended any local events recently? Do they use social media? What do they use this for? What other representatives have they met with recently?
In this lesson we have In summary… they do this by; dealing with correspondence, attend meetings and special events, hold surgeries, meet with other representatives, hold fact finding meetings and contact the media to raise awareness of an issue.