Iran Alexa DeAntonio Hannah Hollon Christina Oelsner Danielle Fishman
Background Modernization by Reza Shah-dictator Recognition by USSR
Nationalization of Oil: CIA Intervention
“White Revolution” (Shah’s distribution of land deeds)
Khomeini Overthrows Pahlavi Challenges power of US
Iranian/Islamic Revolution
Social Stratification
Islamic Republic Supreme Ruler : President
Iran/Iraq War Khomeini vs. Sadam Hussien
USSR/US Influence In War
Iran Contra Affair (Oliver North, 1987)
Iran’s Economy
Bibliography Girgis, Monique. "Women in Pre-revolutionary, Revolutionary, and Post-Revolutionary Iran." Iran Chamber Society Hobsbawm, Eric. Age of Extremes. London: Penguin Group, "Iran: A Brief History." MidEast Web "Iran-ECONOMY." Country Studies Program. 26 Apr "Timeline Iran." BBC News U.S. Library of Congress. "Social Class." Country Studies.