The Story Opportunity Problem Aha! Solution How it Works
The Opportunity Every employer needs the right people with the right skills to sustain and grow their business. When we have an open position we’re underperforming. When we fill positions quickly we do better. “If the right person were to walk in the door, I’d create a new position and hire them today!”
Skilled professional Anyone who through training, education, and experience has the skills to make them successful in a particular occupation. Mechanical engineer, machinist Lawyer, leatherworker Esthetician, economist
The Problem - Finding Finding the ‘right’ person is difficult for any business It’s even tougher in rural areas – the people are all spread out, there are simply fewer people nearby
Landing and keeping A person who does have a firm offer in Grey-Bruce may still decline the offer if their spouse cannot find work. When people do come here for a job, sometimes we lose them when they discover that the Grey-Bruce lifestyle is not right for them. Local professionals have to leave the area to advance their career
The consequences? Don’t have and can’t get the right people. Businesses don’t not perform to their potential. Miss opportunities for growth. The community doesn’t get the economic success possible.
How can we get the people we need?
Best practices Advertise locally (YMCA), regionally (kijiji), nationally (Workopolis) Internal promotion Headhunt other employers Internal referrals People Networking - conferences Social networking sites - LinkedIn Alumni
Even “Best Practices” are not enough
The ‘aha’ moment There are LOTS of people who are happily employed in other places, but DREAM of living in Grey-Bruce. They’re not looking for a job, they already have a job. They want to move to Grey-Bruce, and they need a new job to make that possible.
And! Rural employers are resourceful. We are more likely to make use of a person’s strengths, even if they aren’t a perfect fit for a job. The hidden job market at work.
What is the hidden job market? 80% of all jobs are filled by someone who did not apply to a posted ad They make a connection with an employer, and the employer sees the fit
Hidden opportunities -1 A position is open, but not yet advertised A position is open, but the person didn’t think it was a fit for them, so they didn’t apply
Hidden opportunities - 2 The employer was planning to create a new position but hasn’t got as far as posting it; the right person showing up triggers the action The employer sees a new opportunity to advance the business by taking advantage of the particular skills the person has, and a new position is created
Nothing’s happening We have flexible employers who are open to all kinds of possibilities, and We have skilled professionals who dream of living here, but... Neither one knows about the other, so nothing happens!
The solution A web site that will connect... Skilled professionals w ho already dream of living the Grey-Bruce lifestyle with Employers interested in learning about when someone with certain skills is interested in moving to the area.
Its all about the numbers If many employers get connected with many skilled professionals, there is a real likelihood of successful matches that create jobs If 30 employers in Grey-Bruce who employ a particular skill are made aware of someone who wants to move to the area, it’s likely that at least one of them will have something cooking sometime in the next six months
How it works The goal is to connect the skilled professionals with employers that are interested in hearing about people with their particular skills Very much a two-way connection Employers Skilled Professionals Matching is based on National Occupation Classifications (NOC Codes) We considered free form but hard to match
How it works - Employers Think about what skills you want to be notified about. Register with the site Select from the list of over 500 skills and groups of skills, like [72] Industrial, electrical and construction trades (major group), or [632] Chefs and cooks (minor group contains both chefs and cooks), or [9417] Machining tool operators (most detailed level) Select at the major or minor group level if you have broad interests
How it works – Skilled Professionals Select up to 8 specific skills that you want employers to know about Your time frame for moving: 3-6, 6-12, months Free form text areas Skill set/background Qualifications/Education Other interests/Volunteer work What attracts you to the Grey-Bruce area?
Matching The system instantly matches the person to each employer that is considering their skills goes to each employer telling them about the person goes to the person telling them about each employer
Follow-up When an employer sees a set of skills and qualifications that is of interest to them, they can either click on a ‘ this person’ button for an easy follow-up, or can or phone the person directly When the person sees an employer that is interesting, they can or phone the contact person listed
Then what? We expect that the employer and the person will have a conversation to explore the opportunities that exist that would work for both parties There may be something immediate, or the information may be filed on both sides for future reference. Contact has been made. As things change, either one can contact the other in the future. The hidden job market!
Collaboration We started by calling this project “Collaborative Recruiting Grey Bruce” Because it depends on each person connecting with as many employers as possible Working together, the employer community can get the attention of many more people than one at a time.
Marketing – Employers Chambers of commerce Human Resources Professional Association Print and broadcast media Employer education – EMC, Four County Labour Market Planning Board Employer groups – Rotary Direct campaign – mail and phone
Marketing – Skilled Professionals Rack cards – locations in Grey-Bruce Out-of-area events City of Owen Sound booth at the Royal Friends and family, alumni, homecoming Print and broadcast media
e-Marketing: directories and links Business directories – 12 local, municipal Municipal websites – most popular link Social media – LinkedIn Electronic signatures blast
Organization $30,000 Budget - Develop the site, marketing, first year operations Incorporated non-profit Administration support by Four County Labour Market Planning Board for first year No charge to employers for six months Ongoing Revenue small annual subscription for employers website advertising sponsors
How can you help? Tell every employer you know about and convince them to sign up Tell everyone you know who wants to move here about and convince them to sign up Tell everyone you know, so they tell others Add to your electronic signature