Outcomes produced by partnership Website/logo Translation “Chrysalis” video in the native language of partners involved Steering Committee in each Country; Seminars Job shadowing of participants Report on Country situation as regards to unemployment and social exclusion of target groups Surveys/individual interviews to identify needs and problems of participants Courses to improve the ability of disadvantaged people Evaluation reports Booklet on existing services for target group
Add value of the partnership towards a more intensive European Cooperation Depth study of the project’s topics The themes of ENCLOSE have been better and more effectively treated, analyzing the differences and contact points in the different countries that have joined the partnership. Identification of best practices in Europe Analyze social exclusion and difficulties of disadvantaged people from a European point of view has contributed to the identification of best practices and the most effective strategies, with the help of those who work at the local level with disadvantaged groups. At the end of the project each partner knows the strategies and solutions that are adopted in different countries to support disadvantaged people, especially those excluded from the labor market. Innovations at the local level Each partner may try to experiment, in local community, support strategies that have been effective in other European countries
Activities in Caserta Specific key competences addressed by activity realized at local level IFM Europe, collaborating with two local associations, organized two courses to improve the skills of two target groups: - disabled - immigrants The activities of the courses have contributed to the development of some key skills: Learn to learn : the beneficiaries have focused on how they can improve their learning skills Digital competence: the beneficiaries have received a basic computer literacy or improved their capacity to use computer application, such as Internet, , and spreadsheets. Social competence: the beneficiaries, working together, have also analyzed their difficulties related to teamwork, understanding, mutual support Guidance and counseling: the beneficiaries considered very effective all activities for inclusion in the world of work, such as writing CVs, job interviews simulation and similar.
Cooperation and communication between the participating organizations involved O rganizations involved in ENCLOSE the project have regularly and effectively communicated through: Skipe Face to face during the transnational meeting
Details about the number of participants involved in partnership activities and mobilities Participants at local level IFM Europa Staff: 2 men and 2 women Trainees: 8 men and 10 women Members of steering committee: 2 men and 2 women Persons involved in motilities 8 Women 5 Men
Impact Impact on our organization The project has had a very positive impact on our organization and its members, helping to develop and improve their management skills, intercultural skills and interpersonal skills and language of the project. In particular, IFM Europa members: can apply experience of other countries in everyday work; have developed friendly relationship with colleagues from other countries, have discussed and analyze problems of common interest with colleagues from other countries is able to improve IFM Europa organizational structure using best experience of partners
Impact Impact on local community At trainees level The trainees have improved their basic skills or learn new skills to facilitate their employment process. This enable them to increase their chances of finding a satisfactory job, because they are not frightened to entering the labor market or return if they're unemployed for a long time. Persons involved as learners in the project are motivated to seek new job opportunities and personal and professional growth, including improving their own self-esteem. Through this process they have increased confidence in themselves, leaving the negative feelings related to social exclusion; improving the idea and the perception they have of themselves and the quality of relationships with their families, colleagues and communities. At local Institutions level The project has contributed to develop partnerships with organizations that share the same values and interests of IFM Europa. This cooperation has laid the groundwork for future joint projects. ENCLOSE was useful for the community because the institutions involved have acted as intermediaries of social dialogue between groups with different interests and needs.
How do you think that the outcomes of partnership could be used by others? The project outcomes will be used by other organizations at the local level as well as at the level of international partnership to improve and strengthen the activities they perform on a daily basis to combat social exclusion and supporting the most vulnerable people in the labor market. IFM Europa has used some of the results of the project, in order apply, with another local association, a project financed by national funds to improve digital literacy and knowledge of Italian by migrants. Use of outcomes
Mr. Giuseppe della Corte Informamentis Europa Mail : Mr. Vincenzo Girfatti Vice-president Informamentis Europa Facebook: Informamentis Europa THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION!