The basic information on EM TechnologyTM
Effective MicroorganismsTM EM means Effective Microoragansims. Effective MicroorganismsTM
EM TechnologyTM was developed at the University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan in the early 1980’s by Professor Dr.Teruo Higa.
EMTM has been introduced and is used EM is produced in 55 countries all over the world. Red character’s countries produce EM. Blue character’s countries use EM. EMTM has been introduced and is used in more than 140 counties in the world.
EMTM consists of Safe and Human-Friendly Microorganisms EM is yellowish or brownish liquid. EM is very safety for human. And pH is under 3.5, so sourer taste. Which are…
Principal microorganism in EMTM Lactic Acid Bacteria Yeast Phototrophic bacteria
Lactic Acid Bacteria LAB decompose organic matter by fermentation and the barrier of Lactic Acid Keeps Harmful Microbes away
Yeast Yeast decompose organic matter by fermentation The enzymes (protein -> cant be absorbed by plants, hence yeast transform the protein to sugars which can be absorbed by plants. Starch as well as compost lignens transformed hydrocarbons -> transformed into sugar by lab and yeasts and hence can be absorbed by plants. Yeast decompose organic matter by fermentation and produce the bioactive Substances such as Hormones and Enzymes
Phototrophic Bacteria Hydrogen Sulfide Kitchen Garbage, Animal Shed, Sludge etc. Odorless Ammonia Offensive Smell In case this is sprayed on plants, ptb will increase the phtosynthesis ability of plants and the sugar content in the fruits or tomatoes can be increased… Decompose Harmful Gases Such as Ammonia and Hydrogen Sulfide And Change them into Odorless Gases
This combination can produce EMTM POWER!! Lactic Acid Bacteria + Phototrophic Bacteria + Yeast This combination can produce EMTM POWER!!
The concept of EM TechnologyTM Opportunistic Microbes Harmful Microbes Beneficial Microbes In the soil there are much amount and many kinds of microbes. It contains pathogenic microbes and also beneficial microbes. But almost all bacteria are opportunistic microbes which wait and see how things go.
The concept of EM TechnologyTM Opportunistic Microbes Beneficial Microbes Harmful Microbes If beneficial microbe active in the soil, neutral group follows beneficial group.
The basic EMTM materials EM・1 (Original solution) With molasses and water With organic materials EM Activated Solution (multipled EM) EM Bokashi (fermented bio-fertilizer) Cost-effective and easy to apply in any place!!
EM TechnologyTM for Agriculture Increase yield and improve quality of produce Organic waste can be converted into fertilizer Soil improvement
EM TechnologyTM for animal husbandry Spray EM into shed Mix EM Bokashi into feed EM can Control foul odor and flies Prevent disease by improving immune system Improve the quality of products (egg, milk, meat) Reduce costs of the waste management (composting, waste water treatment) Put EM into drinking water
EM TechnologyTM for environment Control EM Vietnam ,1988 EM can eliminate foul odor and enhance the decomposition of organic matter
EM TechnologyTM for environment Before applying EM 3 months after applying EM The Sludge disappeared completely EM can revitalize self cleaning function of nature
EM TechnologyTM for sanitary management in daily life
EM TechnologyTM for sanitary management in daily life EM can simplify the cleaning house. Enzymes and organic acids produced by EM help cleaning and remove odor. Furthermore, EM can prevent rust and dust in the house by its anti-oxidant property. By using EM, we can reduce chemical detergents which are harmful for our health and environment.
For more information about EM Technology