A student who can't read on grade level by 3rd grade is four times less likely to graduate by age 19 than a child who does read proficiently by that time. Add poverty to the mix, and 80% of low income students miss this critical milestone. Schools cannot succeed alone. Engaged communities mobilized to serve as full partners are needed to assure student success. Why we focused on Grade Level Reading?
Pilot program at Ingram-Pye now expanded to 10 Bibb County elementary schools CIS In-School Site Coordinator Volunteer tutoring program “Day of Action” book drive Grade Level Reading Strategies
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AmeriCorps Senior Corps Social Innovation Fund Volunteer Generation Fund
AARP Foundation Experience Corps National Summary 1,878 classrooms 226 schools 30,162 students received 462,883 hours of tutoring from 2,063 tutors
Leadership/Implementation Team Tammie Collins: Project Director Sylvia McGee: Lead Project Manager Dr. Shelton Land: Project Manager Part time Data Manager Part time Volunteer Recruitment
Highlights of AARP Foundation Grant Time Span: February 2016-June 2020 Start at 4 school sites and add additional sites annually until Experience Corps is in 10 elementary schools. Recruit, train, & manage volunteers who are 50+ to serve as tutors for grades K5-3 rd. Provide sustained tutoring to small groups of up to 4 students, and give classroom literacy assistance.
Be aged 50+ Possess a GED or high school diploma, at minimum Complete background checks* (FBI, state, DC) Complete program documentation (provide a copy of your passport OR photo ID and birth certificate) Interview with staff (reading and writing sample) Commit to serving a minimum of 4 hours per week for the school year (September - June) Attend a pre-service training and monthly team meetings Professional behavior Team-oriented 12 Basic Tutor Profile
2016/17 Initial Schools Porter Elementary Brookdale Elementary* Riley Elementary* Southfield Elementary* * current R2S schools
Next Steps Tutor recruitment and training Read2Succeed: 7 schools Summer slide initiatives