PARTICLE PHYSICS IN RUSSIA R-ECFA Meeting in Moscow, 9-10 October, 2009V.Matveev Participating Institutes and Universities Participating Institutes and Universities Organization and Funding System Organization and Funding System Major Installations and Projects Major Installations and Projects International Collaboration International Collaboration Physics Education and Outreach Physics Education and Outreach Problems and Perspectives Problems and Perspectives V.A.Matveev Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Division of Physics Sciences
Major Institutions R-ECFA Meeting in Moscow, 9-10 October, 2009V.Matveev Russian Academy of Sciences: BINP (Siberian Branch of RAS, Novosibirsk) PNPI (Gatchina, St-Petersburg rgn.) INR (Moscow with the regional dept.’s in Troitsk, Baksan, Baikal, Artemovsk) Lebedev PI (Moscow) Ioffe PTI (St.-Petersburg) Steklov Math.I. (Moscow)
R-ECFA Meeting in Moscow, 9-10 October, 2009V.Matveev RosAtom: ITEP (Moscow) IHEP (Protvino) RSC ”Kurchatov Institute”( Rosnauka ) Universities: MSU (Moscow):Skobeltsin INP Sternberg State Astr.Inst., Sternberg State Astr.Inst., Physics Faculty Mosc.Eng.Phys.Inst. (Moscow) Mosc.Phys.Tech.Inst. (Moscow) St.-Petersburg St.Univ. Tomsk PTI. JINR (Dubna)
R-ECFA Meeting in Moscow, 9-10 October, 2009V.Matveev Three Region Branches (Siberian, Ural and Far-East) and 9 speciality Divisions Russian Academy of Sciemces 23 institutes (5%) staff (15%) 6050 scientists (13%) 5600 MRub (2009 – budget) (~130M€) 415 Graduate Students (5%) 1.2 publications per 1 scientist (2008) The Physics Science Division (PSD) 3 institutes (BINP, PNPI, INR) Nuclear Physics Section of PSD
R-ECFA Meeting in Moscow, 9-10 October, 2009V.Matveev “ Elementary Particle Physics and Fundamental Nuclear Physics”. (Coordinator V. Rubakov) (Coordinator V. Rubakov) “Physics of Neutrino and Neutrino Astrophysics” (Coordinator V. Matveev) (Coordinator V. Matveev) “The Neutron Physics” (Coordinator V. Fedorov”) (Coordinator V. Fedorov”) “Theoretical and Experimental Studies in Collaboration with CERN” (Coordinator V.Ritus) (Coordinator V.Ritus) Total 2009 funding ~ 7 M$ The Fundamental Research Programs BINP, PNPI, INR and partially LebPI, Ioffe PTI Nuclear Physics Section of PSD
Annual Funding of Researches in El.Part., HEP, NP, CR, Astroparticle (2009) R-ECFA Meeting in Moscow, 9-10 October, 2009V.Matveev Total for Institutes of RAS, Rosatom, MSU and other Un.s. Federal Budget: 120M€ # Researchers: 3600 (PhD, engineers) Graduate students: 250 Capital invest.: 25M$ (PIK-research reactor in Gatchina and other) Additional fundings: Russian Basic Research Foundation ~5M€ Rosnauka (State Contracts) ~10M€ MoEST(Intern.Coll.) ~ 6M€ Commercial contracts (10÷15% of the Fed.Bdg.)
Structure of budget spending: R-ECFA Meeting in Moscow, 9-10 October, 2009V.Matveev ( )M€ / 3600 researcher ≈ ≈ 37,5K€ (for 1 researches in a year) ≈ 13,5K€ (salary) 7,0K€ (equipment) 7,0K€ (equipment) 27,0K€ (general spending) 27,0K€ (general spending) Energy consumption~25% Energy consumption~25%
International Collaboration in the field of the “Studying Fundamental Properties of Matter” R-ECFA Meeting in Moscow, 9-10 October, 2009V.Matveev State support under supervision of the MoEST (Rosnauka as the Funding Agency) 5 Working Groups Coordinating the Collaboration North America (USA, Canada) N. Tyurin CERNV. Savrin GermanyV.Egorychev ItalyV. Matveev Japan, China, S.KoreaA. Bondar Total funding in 2009 ~ 6 M$ Scientific Collaboration with Ukraine, Belorussia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan supported by JINR, RAS, Rosatom, Universities and RBRF.
New development R-ECFA Meeting in Moscow, 9-10 October, 2009V.Matveev By the RF President Decree from 30 September 2009 the Rosatom Institutes ITEP and IHEP and PNPI of RAS have to be unified with RSC“KI” as the single the National Research Center by the Name “Kurchatov Institute“. The goal is to achieve a concentration of resources and better coordination for running and modernization of the scientific installations and complexes for development of the nuclear technologies in the interests of country economy.
Organizations of the fundamental sciences in Russia R-ECFA Meeting in Moscow, 9-10 October, 2009V.Matveev There is the Program of Fundamental Research of State Academies for 2008 – 2012 approved by the RF Government in 2008 State Academies (from 2008) Russian Academy of Sciences Russian Medical Academy Russian Agriculture Academy Russian Education Academy
R-ECFA Meeting in Moscow, 9-10 October, 2009V.Matveev Russian Scientific Center “Kurchatov Institute” after the RF President Decree from 30 Sept., 2009, unified with the State Sci. Centers ITEP (Moscow) and IHEP (Protvino) (previously in SC “Rosatom”) and PNPI (Gatchina) of RAS as the single National Research Center of RF “KI” after the RF President Decree from 30 Sept., 2009, unified with the State Sci. Centers ITEP (Moscow) and IHEP (Protvino) (previously in SC “Rosatom”) and PNPI (Gatchina) of RAS as the single National Research Center of RF “KI” The Program of research in interests of development of the nuclear technologies for RF economy modernization (to be approved) State Scientific Centers
R-ECFA Meeting in Moscow, 9-10 October, 2009V.Matveev - Moscow SU and St.-P. SU are getting the special (federal) status - MEng.Phys.I (Nuclear University) of the SC “Rosatom” has got the federal status of the “Nuclear University”. - MPhys.Tech.I (University) and Novosibirsk SU among 10 other are getting the special status of the National research universities (a result of the competition between 136 universities) Universities
Stimuli for young people in science: R-ECFA Meeting in Moscow, 9-10 October, 2009V.Matveev State Prize for young scientists (≤35 years old) (~80 K$) President grants for graduate students and young scientists. RAS Concourse (Prize and medal) for graduate students and young scientists. Rosnauka grants to support the Leading Scientific Schools. RBRF, Dynasty-Foundation, Other.
MajorPhysics Journals: Major Physics Journals: R-ECFA Meeting in Moscow, 9-10 October, 2009V.Matveev Zhetp and Zhetp Letters “Nuclear Physics” “Theoretical and Mathematical Physics” “Uspehi of Physical Sciences” “Uspehi of Mathematical Sciences” “Doklady of RAS (Physics)” “Elem.Part. and At.Nuclei” (JINR) “Atomic Energy” “Astronomy Letters” University Journals. Popular magazines and newspapers “Nature”, “Science in Russia”, “Science and Techniques”, “Quant”, “Poisk” (newspaper) and many other.