14-3 Peter the Great
I. Russia before Peter the Great A. In the 16th century, Ivan IV took the title of Czar and expanded Russia’s borders B. Following Ivan’s rule was a period of political unrest known as the Time of Troubles C. In 1613, the first Czar in the Romanov dynasty was chosen by the National assembly
D. The greatest Czar in the Romanov dynasty was Peter the Great
II. Russia under Peter the Great A. Peter was an absolutist who believed in the divine right of kings B. Became czar in 1689 C. Took a trip to Europe and determined to Europeanize Russia 1. He wanted to create a great army and navy with modern equipment
D. To create an amry, Peter drafted peasants for a period of 25 years E. He divide Russia into provinces to rule more effectively F. Peter forced Russians to shave their beard and wear shorter, Western style coats
G. Peter fought a war with Sweden for control of the Baltic Sea 1. Russia needed a warm water port to compete with the rest of Europe H. After the defeat of Sweden, he built St. Petersburg on the Baltic and made it his new capital