GRAVI2 POIWG #34, July 24 th 2013 Abdul Basit Mohammad N-USOC-NOT-ABM-028, Abdul Basit Mohammad1
2 Overview Scientific objective: To study the implication of amyloplasts displacement and calcium signaling in root gravisensing and, thus to understand cellular signaling mechanisms involved during the threshold acceleration. -To subject lentil seedling roots to centrifugal acceleration levels from 10E-2g to 2g and in microgravity. -Chemically fixate samples for scientific analysis (comparison with Gravi1, amyloplast and calcium distribution). Lentil seedlings in Gravi2 Culture Chambers
3 Operational context Use EMCS, Biolab, Double Cold Bags & Maintenance Work Area. POIC and Col-CC support. Fixatives and fixated samples have short shelf-lives. Cold Stowage necessary. Ascent SpX-3 Descent SpX-3 2 experiment runs; ~30 hours each. Overview Experiment success depends on Cooperative planning by NASA & ESA planners. Coordination between ground teams prior to operations. Coordination during operations.
4 186 mm Gravi2 Culture Chamber Gravi2 Culture Chamber Gravi2 Fixative Unit EMCS EC assembled for Gravi2 Overview EMCS EC launch configuration Gravi2 Handler
5 Operations Concept (1/3) Early destow of Double Cold Bag and transfer of content to Biolab TCU 4°C. MWA setup for Gravi2 hydration. PODF review before run 1 start. DCB holds Gravi2 Fixative Unit Containers
6 Hydration of Gravi2 Culture Chambers (16) on MWA with syringes. Gravi2 assembly activities in Biolab GloveBox (8 EMCS ECs). Installation of EMCS ECs (8) in EMCS. Experiment run (~30 hours) in EMCS, including on-rotor fixation. Operations Concept (2/3) 16 Gravi2 Culture Chambers for each run Biolab Glovebox EMCS
7 PODF review before run 1 end. Experiment stop and EMCS EC removal from EMCS. Gravi2 disassembly in Biolab Glovebox. Stowage of Gravi2 samples in Biolab TCU 1. Run 2 Ops. Cold stowage of Double Cold Bag cartridges in MELFI. Transfer Gravi2 samples to Double Cold Bag for descent. Late load. Operations Concept (3/3)
8OTTU #1, Feb Gjert Aanes Contigency planning Biolab TCU 1 not available: Use Biolab TCU 2 4°C (TBC) Spillage in Biolab Glovebox: Gravi2 Cleanup kit shall be present in BGB Off-nominal crew procedure Biolab Glovebox not available: Other gloveboxes?
9 EMCS Ops Crew PAYCOM COL OCPRO EUROCOM All Gravi2 activities outside of EMCS Gravi2 HW MWA Biolab General Questions Gravi2 going in/out of EMCS EMCS/ER3 ER3 Laptop Rack (De-)Activation Activity transfers N2 support coordination EMCS/ER3 ER3 Laptop POD N-USOC Ops MUSC Ops Biolab Gravi2 HW EMCS DCB Realtime Coordination
10 Pre-experiment Maintenance BIOLAB TCU 1&2 Manual Cleaning with TCU Silica Gel Bag Exchange. [45 min] H/W onboard. TCU Health Check. [ground only] Glovebox Front and Rear Filter Exchange. [40 min] H/W upload with HTV4. Glovebox Gloves Installation (incl. Glovebox containment test). [15 min] H/W onboard. EMCS Regular Water pump servicing. [ground only, every 8 th -10 th week]
11 Post-experiment Maintenance EMCS Exchange 2 EMCS RBLSS modules. [45 min] H/W upload with HTV-4. Possible replacement of 12 RBLSS filters.[30 min] H/W onboard. Exchange EMCS TCS Cold Spot Sponge. [15 min] H/W onboard. Replace EMCS Gas Removal Module. [20 min] H/W onboard. Replace 2 EMCS Water Reservoirs. [40 min] H/W upload with HTV-4. EMCS Water Pump Tube installation. [45 min]
12 Open Work Double Cold Bag usage Discuss during POIWG. PODF development and publication Ongoing. Payload Regulations CRs to be submitted.
Double Cold Bag 1 CTB Group C (mesh bag) ½ CTB Pouch 1 FU Container Group A (mesh bag) Pouch 2 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Group B (mesh bag) Pouch 2 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C FU Pouch 2 FU Pouch 2 FU Pouch 2 FU Pouch 2 FU Pouch 2 FU Pouch 1 FU Container FU Pouch 1 FU Container FU Pouch 1 FU Container FU Pouch 1 FU Container FU Ziplock Syringe Pouch Syringe Syringe Pouch Syringe Syringe Pouch Syringe Syringe Pouch Syringe CC Container Launch Configuration CC Container EC Ziplock EC Ziplock EC Ziplock EC Ziplock EC Ziplock EC Ziplock EC Ziplock EC
14 CIRiS Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Space 14 N-USOC Contact list Acting PM: Knut Fossum, Integration &Operations Manager: Brit-Eli Danielsen, Systems Manager: Gjert Aanes, Training Manager: Liz Coelho, Security Manager Tore Hauan, Vessel ID Sys EXAM: Tore Hauan, Gravi2 EXAM: Irene Karoliussen, Seedling Growth 1 EXAM: Mona Schiefloe, Seedling Growth 2 EXAM: Liz Coelho, Gjert Aanes, Abdul Basit Mohammad, Irene Karoliussen, Liz Helena Froes Coelho, Trine Marie Stene, Karl Eric Hancock, Tore Hauan, Knut Robert Fossum, Mona Schiefloe, Carina Helle Berg, Ann-Iren Kittang, Silje Aase Wolff, Brit-Eli Danielsen