A Case study of a coastal landform (A headland): Flamborough Head
Location Flamborough is the headland that forms the most northerly point of the Holderness Coast.
Flamborough Head
Key features Stack Stump Cave Arch Wave Cut Platform Crack
Geology The most striking aspect of Flamborough Head are the white chalk cliffs that surround it. The chalk lies in distinct horizontal layers, formed from the remains of tiny sea creatures millions of years ago. Above the chalk at the top of the cliffs is a layer of till (glacial deposits) left behind by glaciers 18,000 years ago, during the last ice age. As the cliffs below are worn away by the action of the waves, the clay soil often falls into the sea in huge landslips.
Formation Made by the wearing away of the coast In stormy conditions, the seas picks up loose materials and throws them at the shore This undercuts the cliff and opens up cracks and weaknesses in the cliff Hydraulic action and abrasion widens the cracks until they form caves When the caves wear right through the headland it forms and arch, which is continually widened at the base The arch will then collapse, leaving a pillar of rock standing away from the coast – a stack The stack is eroded away and undercut over time and will collapse to form a stump
Use by People Flamborough Head Golf Club – perched high on the cliff tops overlooking the North Sea Caves along its rocky shore were a haven for illegal smuggling in the 18th and also into the 19th Century – tea, brandy, tobacco, silk and cotton RNLI Lifeboat station since 1871 in the south of the headland Beacon Tower Lighthouse – visible from the sea for 21 miles – 28 metres high, 119 twisting steps to the lantern room. Tours available. Special Area of Conservation – over 180 habitat types and 788 species living within it. This includes the Brempton Cliffs RSPB Reserve. The Cliff Top Walk is a ‘twitchers’ paradise; oyster catchers, gulls, cormorants and migrant birds in autumn like the Atlantic Puffins. Geographers and geologists study Flamorough Head, looking at erosional processes and features.
Problems caused by human activity Increase in visitor number may lead to parking problems - not enough spaces, people parking on grass verges and infront of local residents homes. Footpath and cliff top erosion along the Cliff Top Walk and on agricultural land. Fragile habitats and wildlife may be disturbed by visitors.
Sustainable Solutions Adequate car parking provided so people not parking on grass verges and damaging wildlife habitats, e.g. at Flamborough Head Golf Club, Brempton Cliff RSPB Reserve and Beacon Tower Lighthouse. Footpaths put in place to keep people off grass and farmland Cliff top fenced off so area does not become unstable Farmland fenced off so path does not widen Parking restrictions in some areas And more recently Flamborough Head was designated a European Marine Site. To meet the Habitats Regulations 1994, relevant authorities around Flamborough Head have responsibilities for the conservation and management of the European marine site. A management group for Flamborough Head SAC (Special Areas of Conservation) has been set up. They are to consult with the Flamborough Head Maritime Forum, which is made up of interest groups, users, conservation groups, industry and owners. They meet to discuss existing activities and management around the Headland and identify what can be done to look after the interest features of the Flamborough Head and the area.
Sustainable Solutions Adequate car parking provided so people not parking on grass verges and damaging wildlife habitats, e.g. at Flamborough Head Golf Club, Brempton Cliff RSPB Reserve and Beacon Tower Lighthouse. Footpaths put in place to keep people off grass and farmland Cliff top fenced off so area does not become unstable Farmland fenced off so path does not widen Parking restrictions in some areas And more recently Flamborough Head was designated a European Marine Site. To meet the Habitats Regulations 1994, relevant authorities around Flamborough Head have responsibilities for the conservation and management of the European marine site. A management group for Flamborough Head SAC (Special Areas of Conservation) has been set up. They are to consult with the Flamborough Head Maritime Forum, which is made up of interest groups, users, conservation groups, industry and owners. They meet to discuss existing activities and management around the Headland and identify what can be done to look after the interest features of the Flamborough Head and the area.
Name and locate a landform created by the action of the sea. Describe the main features of the landform and explain how it was formed How do different groups use the area and explain the impact this is having.
Level 1:Choice of case study applied reasonably well. Gives simple description or explanation. Information is communicated by brief statements.(1 / 2 marks] Level 2:Choice of case study applied well. Gives descriptive points in more detail but little explanation. Communication begins to show structure with occasional use of specialist terms Sentences show some coherence but occasional errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar. [3 / 4 marks] Level 3:Appropriate choice of case study applied very well. Provides a balanced account which gives detailed descriptive points with some explanation. Communication has a structure with some specialist terms. Coherent sentences with few errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar. [5 / 6 marks] Level 4:Appropriate choice of case study applied very well. Provides a balanced account which includes specific description and explanation. Communication logical and includes specialist terms. Spelling, punctuation and grammar have considerable accuracy.[7 / 8 marks]