Water Erosion Can Cause the Formation of New Landforms
VALLEY Is a long depression in Earth’s surface that usually contains a river. Sometimes a river that created a valley dries up, but the valley remains. Hooker Valley, New Zealand
CANYONS Are deep narrow valleys with steep sides. Most have rivers running through them.
MEANDER Are curving changes of direction in a river or stream. The land erodes faster near the outside edge of the meander.
Ox Bow Lake A place where part of the river breaks away
Ox Bow Lake
TRIBUTARY is a river or stream that does not reach the ocean. A tributary will join another river or stream.
DEPOSITION Fast-moving water, such as in rivers, carries sand and soil. As the water slows down, it deposits the sand and soil in a new location
DELTA Is a low, flat piece of land at or near the mouth of a river. Deltas are formed by deposition.
DELTA Deltas are very fertile because of this deposition. Many large deltas are used for farming.
Flood Plain Is flat land near a river formed by deposition during floods. During a flood, water flows over a river’s banks. When the water leaves the swift movement of the river, it slows down. As the water slows down, it drops the sediment it was carrying. The rocks and soil becomes part of the flood plain.