TOEIC Part 6 Text Completion. 第六部分 短文填空 時間分配 第六部分共 12 題, 一題須在 25-30 秒 內解決, 大約可以花掉 6 分鐘的時間 出題重點 出題重點與第五部分相同, 但因為是 根據文章出題, 所以經常是多益常見 的書信, 備忘錄, 電子郵件等. 此外,


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Presentation transcript:

TOEIC Part 6 Text Completion

第六部分 短文填空 時間分配 第六部分共 12 題, 一題須在 秒 內解決, 大約可以花掉 6 分鐘的時間 出題重點 出題重點與第五部分相同, 但因為是 根據文章出題, 所以經常是多益常見 的書信, 備忘錄, 電子郵件等. 此外, 因 為有文章脈絡, 也須注意前後文, 再選 擇適合的選項. 多益內常出現的商務文件其中常用或 慣用的表達方法, 字彙, 語句 在這一部 分佔重要的比例.

Present Tense 不隨時間改變的真理、事實、常發生的事、格言。 e.g. Two plus two equal to four. The earth goes around the sun. 常與頻率副詞連用: 表示習慣 e.g. My father often takes a walk after dinner. He gets up at seven every morning 頻率副詞的位置: 1. 在Be 動詞後 He is always quite punctual. They are often at the park at this time of the day. 2. 在一般動詞前 Sally usually work overtime when the company is busy. We sometimes go to movies on the weekend. 3. 在助動詞後 They don’t always come to work on time. We will never agree to this unfair request.

Present Continuous 表示現在正在進行的動作 e.g. She is having lunch right now. Many people are jogging in the park. 代替未來式: 已經計劃好且一定/極可能會執行的動作 e.g. Peter is coming to see us tomorrow morning Robert is leaving Taiwan next Friday.

Present Perfect Present Perfect : S + has/have + p.p + ………. 到現在為止完成的動作 Tina has already finished reading the story. We have just had dinner. 到現在為止完成的經驗 Joan has watched that movie three times. I have never been to New York 到現在為止仍持續的動作或狀態 Jack has studied French since 2003 She has stayed home for a week.

Present Perfect Continuous S + has/have + been + Ving + ……… 表示活動德持續,它開始於過去去、並持續到現在。 I have been watching TV for 4 hours! Richard has been looking for his car key the whole morning. Practice: 1. I only _______ to work Monday. The rest of the week, I work from home a. go b. am going c. have gone d. have been going

2. My boss ________ to Australia next month to open a new business. a. travels b. is traveling c. has traveled d. has been traveling 3. My co-workers and I ______ at this restaurant once before. a. eat b. is eating c. have eaten d. have been eating 4. Since June, Jake _______ rather than driving to the fitness center. He has more time now that he is retired. a. walk b. is walking c. has walked d. has been walking 5. I always _________ to wish my boss a happy birthday. a. forget b. am forgetting c. have forgotten d. have been forgetting

6. I ______ my suitcases already. You can put them in the car now. a. pack b. am packing c. have packed d. have been packing 7. I am sorry. I ________ to call you all week, but w ehave been so busy at work. 8. First we _______ the forms. After that we sign and mail it. a. print b. are printing c. have printed d. have been printing 9. I _______ your old telephone number, but I still need to write your new one down. a. erase b. am erasing c. have erased d. have been erasing

Past Perfect S + had + p.p. + …… 表示過去某一個活動完成於過去一個時間前或過去的一段時間內。 The train had left when I got to the station. Julia had left when jimmy got there. I had cleaned the house last weekend. They had been to the zoom on last Tuesday. Past Perfect Continuous NB: I had been watching TV for an hour before dad came home.

1. The old tenant _____ the property by the time we looked at it. There was no furniture left inside. a. vacated b. were vacating c. have vacated d. had been vacated 2. We ______ from another supplier for three months by the time James made his offer. a. ordered b. ordering c. had ordered d. had been ordering 3. The Chengs family almost _______ their house for less than it was worth. A real estate agent helped them out. a. sold b. were selling c. had sold d. had been selling 4. George and Jim _______ me to go to the conference by the time I realized what it was about. a. convinced b. were convincing c. had convinced d. had been convincing

Future Perfect S + will have + p.p. + …… 表示未來某一個活動完成於未來一個時間前 I will have read the article online before you come tonight. We will have cleaned the house by next weekend. Future Perfect continuous They will have finished their homework before that TV show starts tonight.

1. The new course _____ by 5 th of June. It’s too bad that get back on that day. a. will start b. will be starting c. will have started d. will have been starting 2. Jenny will have lots of time to spend with her parents in Jan. She ______ her job by then. a. is quitting b. will be quitting c. will have quit d. will have been quitting 3. We will have to stand at the back of the hall because the audience ______ all the seats by now. a. will take b. will be taking c. will have taken d. will have been taking. 4. The class _________ for three weeks by the time you join us. I will fill you in at that time. a. will run b. will be running c. will have run d. will have been running