Exploring the Dairy Industry Lesson
Interest Approach Have students name as many external parts of a cow as they can. Write all answers on an overhead or marker board. Try to get both technical and non-technology terminology. When they can no longer come up with any, pass out LS: B2-2A so students can follow along while discussing the external parts of the dairy cow.
Interest Approach Start a discussion about the different dairy farms in the area. Discuss breeds, size of herds, general operation of these dairies and question their knowledge about dairy production.
Student Learning Objectives Identify major external parts of dairy cattle. Describe major internal parts of dairy cattle. Discuss selection of cattle to encourage herd improvement. Explain dairy marketing options. Explore the seven major breeds of dairy cattle used for milking.
Terms Artificial Insemination (AI) Beef Butterfat Cattle by-products Crossbreeding Culling Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) Gestation Mammary system Outcrossing Parturition Purebreeding Reproductive system Testes Veal
Identify major external parts of dairy cattle. Objective #1
What are the major external parts of a dairy cow? Head & neck Legs and feet Udder and mammary system Rump and back Tail
What are the major external parts of a dairy cow?
Describe major internal parts of dairy cattle. Objective #2
What are the major internal parts of dairy cattle? Terms Reproductive system - the system used to reproduce cattle by natural, in vitro, and various artificial methods of insemination. Testes - organs that produce sperm cells and the male bovine hormone testosterone.
What are the major internal parts of dairy cattle? Gestation - time between when the egg is fertilized by the sperm and the birth of a calf. Parturition - technical term for the birth of a calf. Mammary system - system used for producing milk after parturition.
Reproductive System Most important factor in improvement of the dairy breeds. Male system - serves the purpose of producing sperm cells and the male sex hormones. Female system - serves the purpose of producing eggs and the female sex hormones estrogen & progesterone.
Mammary System Production of milk Includes - teats, udder, fore and rear udder attachments, alveoli, suspensory ligaments, mammary veins, and milk wells. Dependent on management techniques proper feeding, watering, and breeding programs
Parts of the Mammary System
Discuss selection of cattle to encourage herd improvement. Objective #3
How do I select cattle to improve my herd? Terms Culling - removing animals from your herd based on a set criteria or other situations that may arise. Dairy Herd Improvement Program (DHI) - national dairy testing and record keeping program through which you test your herd and compare it with other herds.
How do I select cattle to improve my herd? Artificial Insemination (AI) - a method, other than natural mating, used to bring the sperm in contact with eggs.
How do I select cattle to improve my herd? Purebreeding - the mating of a purebred animal to another purebred animal. Outcrossing - the mating of an unrelated male and female of the same breed. Crossbreeding - mating one breed of cattle to a recognized, but a different breed.
How do I select cattle to improve my herd? Must be able to recognize desirable and undesirable traits. Use your breeding techniques to continually improve your herd. Be able to cull cows - opens up space for more profitable animals. considerations for culling: milk production, reproduction history, age of animal, chronic health problem and the animal’s temperament. Use the DHI
How do I select cattle to improve my herd? Artificial Insemination (AI) Using AI a producer can select sperm from hundreds of different donors. Look at daughters of the sire and determine if they have the traits you are seeking. Disadvantages: have to catch cows in heat and take time to breed.
How do I select cattle to improve my herd? Purebreeding system - improves your herd by keeping registration papers and you become familiar with genetics. Outcrossing system - helps produce hybrid vigor within the breed. Crossbreeding system - higher production and more resistance to disease. Disadvantages: not able to register animals, difficult to predict what offspring may look like.
Explain dairy marketing options. Objective #4
What are some of the marketing options with dairy cattle? Terms Veal - meat of young calves that are not used for replacement animals. Beef - meat from cattle. Cattle by-products - products made from various parts of the cattle.
What are some of the marketing options with dairy cattle? Milk Important to economy because used in a lot of products. Average American uses just under 600 pounds of milk and other milk products. Industry must produce over 150 million pounds annually. Produced by cow after its first calf.
What are some of the marketing options with dairy cattle? Milk Continue to produce if milked frequently and fed a nutritious ration. When milk production starts to drop, bred cow for more milk. Can use bovine growth hormone (BGH) to increase milk production for extended periods of time.
What are some of the marketing options with dairy cattle? Veal fed a specific diet to keep color of lean meat in carcass a light pink. usually under 3 months of age. fed a diet of milk only.
What are some of the marketing options with dairy cattle? Beef cows no longer profitable because of age, production or reproduction. sold for slaughter and used for beef. male offspring not used for breeding.
What are some of the marketing options with dairy cattle? Cattle by-products Come from the: carcass, fat, bones, glands, intestines, brains, heart, and many other places. Examples of cattle by-products: cat food, dog food, medicines, marshmallows, cosmetics, furniture and clothing.
Explore the seven major breeds of dairy cattle used for milking. Objective #5
What dairy breeds are used for milking?
Holstein Most popular breed Makes up 90% of dairy cattle in the U.S. Came from Netherlands in 1600’s Black & white Very large animals Produce large average amount of milk per cow Milk is lower in butterfat and protein Butterfat – the fat content in the milk
Red & White Holstein Evolved from the black & white Holstein Red & white in color All other characteristics very similar to Holstein Large animals High milk production Low butterfat and protein
Ayrshire Originated in Scotland. Ayrshire Breeders' Association 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd., Suite B - Columbus, OH 43228 Phone: (614) 335-0020 - Fax: (614) 335-0023 E-mail: info@usayrshire.com Originated in Scotland. Light to dark cherry red, browns, and white in any combination. Polled Known for strong feet & legs, grazing ability, and well-attached udders.
Originated in the Alps of Switzerland. Solid brown in color. 800 Pleasant Street Beloit, WI 53511-5456 Phone:608-365-4474 Fax: 608-365-5577 E-mail:info@brownswissusa.com Originated in the Alps of Switzerland. Solid brown in color. Nose & tongue are black. light-colored band around muzzle. higher fat and protein ratio than Holstein. Calm disposition.
Originated in the island of Guernsey. American Guernsey Association 7614 Slate Ridge Blvd. Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068 614-864-2409 614-864-5614 fax Originated in the island of Guernsey. Color is mostly fawn with white markings. Smaller calves Their milk color is more golden in color. Popularity has declined.
Jersey Originated in the island of Jersey. Vary in color but can be fawn, near white, grayish, with or without white markings. Known for udder qualities - well shaped with strong attachments. Lower in milk production, butterfat & protein is the highest. Increasing in popularity Small breed
American Jersey Cattle Association National All-Jersey Inc. 6486 E American Jersey Cattle Association National All-Jersey Inc. 6486 E. Main Street, Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068-2362 U.S.A. 614.861.3636 Phone 614.861.8040 Fax Jersey
Milking Shorthorn Originated in England P.O. Box 449 Beloit, Wisconsin 53512-0449. Phone: (608) 365-3332 Originated in England Any combination of red and white, just red or just white. Very adaptable. A fairly new breed designated as a dairy breed in 1968.
Review What are the major external parts of a dairy cow? What are the major internal parts of dairy cattle? How do I select cattle to improve my herd? What are some marketing options with dairy cattle? What dairy breeds are used for milking?
Credits Oklahoma State University ansi.okstate.edu/breeds/ Hoards Dairyman hoards.com