WORK PACKAGE 2 Fostering various support services (academic mobility support, IT support, marketing and information activities) Progress of the 1 st project.


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Presentation transcript:

WORK PACKAGE 2 Fostering various support services (academic mobility support, IT support, marketing and information activities) Progress of the 1 st project year Leader: University of Novi Sad Ivana Vujkov Head of IRO, UNS Consortium Coordination Meeting 27 th – 28 th November 2014

Specific objective related to WP2 Establishing and improving integrated university support services for academic mobility and international cooperation

ACTIVITIES IN WORK PACKAGE 2 1.Analysing current practices in academic mobility services and establishing/enhancing them 2.Updating university/faculty websites to better present institutional opportunities 3.Upgrading technical equipment and support at universities 4.Forming and updating databases of available courses and programs in foreign languages; creating tailor-made materials for foreign students 5. Intensifying institutional advertising activities

Activity 2.1 Analysing current practices in academic mobility services and establishing/enhancing them (3-36 month, until November 30, 2016) WP2 leader (UNS): Developed a template (questionnaire, PART A) for WP2 reporting about current practices in academic mobility services; Made a joint Serbian report based on institutional self-analysis reports from RS partners (questionnaire, PART A) Identified topics of interest to support EU partners in designing the visits

Activity 2.1 Fully tailored-made questionnaires for project FUSE: The template had two parts: PRE-STUDY VISIT self-analysis (PART A) POST-STUDY VISIT feedback and recommendations (PART B and PART C) RAISED AWARENESS AMONG RS PARTNERS OF WP2 ISSUES SUPPORT TO EU PARTNERS IN DESIGNING THE TRAININGS

Activity 2.1 TRAININGS – STUDY VISITS TO EU PARTNERS All 5 study visits were carried out according to plan by the Coordinator, EU & RS partners. WP2 study visits: Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic (April 2014) University of Malaga, Spain (May, 2014) Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland (September 2014) Since some WP2 issues are interrelaletd with WP1, so also: Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg, Germany (June 2014) Middlesex University, UK (July, 2014)

Activity 2.1 POST-VISIT individual/institutional REPORTS: BRNOMALAGABAMBERGLONDONKRAKOW Niš √√√ Only WP1 * Belgrade √√√√ Novi Sad √√√√ Kragujevac √√√√ Novi Pazar √√√√ COT-Belgrade **** MINISTRY n/a√ KONUS √√√√ SKONUS ** n/a * Not delivered to WP2 leader yet

Activity 2.1 Next step: Compiling the individual (institutional) reports from RS partners into a JOINT REPORT: EXAMPLES OF BEST PRACTICE (findings & insights) RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT Process of collecting institutional reports should have been finished by the end of October, in order to have the joint report by the end of November (12 th month of the project). Small delay in collecting indivudual reports = Small delay in creating a joint report! New expected time: December 2014 (UNS, WP2 leader)

Deliverable 2.1 Deliverable Indicators of progressRemark D 2.1 Current practices in academic mobility services at EU partners analysed, and actual services established and/or enhanced 1 joint report (by month 12) regarding academic mobility services based on individual and institution reports All preparations made for the joint report to be made by UNS in December 2014 At least 2 persons at each of the participating Serbian HEI trained by month 10 YES

Activity 2.2 Updating university / faculty websites to better present institutional opportunities (3-36 month, until November 30, 2016) WP2 leader (UNS): Developed a template (questionnaire) for self-evaluation of RS partners’ university and faculty website(s) in foreign languages (English); All Serbian HEIs completed the self-evaluation reports; UNS collected all self-evaluation reports and handed them to the Coordinator in September 2014;

Activity 2.2 Next step: Jagiellonian University & Masaryk University will provide evaluation of informativeness of Serbian HEIs’ websites The two EU partners should use the RS self-evaluation reports, and together with their own evaluations make a set of recommendations Small delay in making a set of recommendations = EU partners in charge of this need to set a new date for the final document of the exercise

Deliverable 2.2 Deliverable Indicators of progressRemark D 2.2 University/faculty websites updated to better present institutional opportunities At least 50% of project-related content at university/faculty websites made available in Serbian Latin script and in English to better present institutional opportunities ONGOING With the set of recommendations, RS partners can start intriducing more concete measures and plans At least 1 guide booklet for foreign students at each participating university/college created ONGOING

Activity 2.3 Upgrading technical equipment and support at universities (3-36 month, until May, 2015) All RS HEIs provided the Coordinator with the specification for the upgrading of technical equipment and support

Activity 2.4 Forming and updating databases of available courses and programs in foreign languages; creating tailor- made materials (guides, booklets) for foreign students and increasing their visibility (2-36 month, until November 30, 2016) 2014: Ongoing process at RS HEIs 2015: Increase in the scope of available course catalogues in English UNS will suggest that RS partners use the momentum of Serbia’s active participation in Erasmus+ from 2015 to launch more extensive efforts in creating course catalogues in English for KA1, student credit mobility:

Activity 2.4 Example ERASMUS + PROGRAMME Inter-institutional agreement [21] between institutions from programme and partner countries The higher education institution located in a partner country of Erasmus further undertakes to: Before mobility Provide information on courses (content, level, scope, language) well in advance of the mobility periods, so as to be transparent to all parties and allow mobile students to make well-informed choices about the courses they will follow.

Deliverable 2.4 Deliverable Indicators of progressRemark D 2.4 Databases of available courses and programs in foreign languages formed and updated; tailor-made materials (guides, booklets) for foreign students created and their visibility increased Databases of available courses and programs in foreign languages made available and updated throughout the project ONGOING At least 1 guide booklet for foreign students at each participating university/college created ONGOING

Activity 2.5 Intensifying institutional advertising activities (3-36 month, until November 30, 2016) On the level of the project Participation of FUSE at the stand “STUDY IN SERBIA” – biggest European conference and fair dealing with internationalisation of HE (EAIE, Prague, September 2014) On the level of the project partners For the time being, regular advertising activities at RS partners; no specific actions reported.

Overall impression Excellent cooperation with the Coordinator as well as RS and EU partners; The progress of activities is going according to the overall WP2 plan and timing, envisaged in the application and elaborated at the kick-off Meeting; Small delays in A 2.1 and A2.2 – reminders sent to specific FUSE partners; challenges discussed & reported

Thank you for your attention!