1 Budapest, February 25, Supply Chain Finance for Siemens Zrt.
Supply Chain Finance legal focus: 2 Supplier Cooperation Agreement 2 Receivables Finance Agreement 3 1 Commercial or Service Contract
IT Platform process flow 3 Supplier Delivery of goods and invoices 1 Uploads accepted invoices 2 Supplier offers receivables for purchase 3 Bank accepts the discount request 6 Payment of discounted amount 5 Payment at maturity 4
The cost of financing Margin 1,35% p.a. Invoice handling fee (flat fee) 0,2%, but min. EUR 10 1 month EURIBOR + + Yearly interest rate! * Data above only for information purpuses Method of discounted amount: PP=FV/(1+Z*D/360) PP: Discounted amount FV: Amount of receivables Z: Discount interest D: days
Discounting calculation - example Invoice amount : EUR ,- Date of discounting steps : 1) Date of invoice issue :January 1, ) Date of discounting :January 4, ) Due date of invoice :March 4, The value of discounted receivable in case of deferred payment ( 59 days + 3 grace days): - Discount rate: (Reference rate + margin) 0.001% p.a % p.a. = 1.351% p.a. - Invoice handling fee : 0,20, but min. EUR 10 - Method of calculation:EUR 10,000 - (EUR 10,000/( %*62/360) +(EUR 10,000*0.20%, but min EUR 10) Discount rate + Invoice handling fee = EUR EUR 20= EUR Invoice amount : EUR 10,000,- Receivable’s discounted amount : EUR 9, *Transfer fee: a) no charges, if the account to be credited with UniCredit Bank HU b) if the account to be credited not at UniCredit account,than the fee will be charged according to the effective list of conditions * Data above only for information purpuses
ADVANTAGES OF SUPPLY CHAIN FINANCE Better liquidity More flexible financing resource, compared to bank loan No need for bank loan, no credit limit required No contracting fee Optimizes the working capital need Purchase of receivables without recourse no risk on supplier Less receivables in B/S Better financial position Optimization of Working Capital Less cost of capital Very transparent process Less administration through the automated process Effective, automated handling with the Platform through an Internet access 6
7 Benefits of the Programme for the Suppliers Rapidity Within 24 hours the sum of the amount of the discounted invoices is credited at the Supplier’s account PredictabilityCash-flow can be controlled and improved by the Supplier Transparency Status of the receivables are very transparent throughelectronic platform Flexibility The system is accessible from anywhere with Internet connection Simplicity No need to turn in inovices on paper
8 SUPPLY CHAIN FINANCE SPECIALISTS IN HUNGARY Éva KádárAnita Koscsó Deputy HeadProduct Specialist UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt. UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt. Global Transaction Banking Global Transaction BankingTrade Finance Corporate and Investment Banking Szabadság tér 5-6. Szabadság tér Budapest 1054 Budapest Phone: Phone: Fax: Fax: mailto: Balázs Pontyos Senior Relationship Manager UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt. Large Corporates Szabadság tér Budapest Tel.: Fax: mailto: